Forever lasting love

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Cece's P.O.V

I've been on tour with justin for about a year I missed everyone but this tour was amazing I went to so many states and they were all beautiful I bought something from each state I went too but I really missed home I was getting real homesick and I knew Justin could tell we were in the tour bus and Justin was sitting across from me staring at me

"What" I said

" You really are home sick" he said

"Yea maybe" I said

"Well I got a surprise were going back to Chicago" he said

Was he serious my jaw dropped I couldn't wait to see everyone but wait why are we going back

"Why" I said

"Cause the president of the United States we'll be there and were gonna preform for him" he said

Preform for the president I could barley sit still I was so exited

"Are you serious" i said

"Very but were gonna need to write a new song and it has to do with the Fourth of July cause that's the theme" he said

Fourth of July was my favorite holiday the fireworks everything I couldn't wait to preform me and Justin wrote a lot of songs it was fun I even met a few other famous people but were I really wanted to be was home

"Hey justin I have an idea let's write a song called fireworks" I said

"Perfect we'll be in Chicago in about an hour" he said

"K" I said

I couldn't wait I grabbed my laptop out of my suit case and skyped rocky

"Hey" I said

"Hey how are things I miss you" she said

"Great I have great news i'm going back to Chicago to preform for the president of the united states" I said

"Cool and I can't wait to see you but I should tell you.." She said

"Hold that thought we made a pit stop I need a soda talk to you later" I said

I closed my laptop I felt bad for hanging up on her but I was thirsty and I couldn't help but think about what she was going to say but I'm so happy i'm going to see everyone. I saw Justin run off the bus I followed him I ran in the gas station grabbed a dr.pepper then went to the front register and pulled out my wallet then someone bumped into me I dropped my wallet and change fell everywhere I bent Down and started picking it up when I saw someone's hand picking up the change and handing it to me I looked up and saw this cute boy with blond hair he looked so familiar

"Sorry about that my brother pushed me hey I know you" he said

"You do"? I said

"Haha you don't remember me we sang karaoke together at that restaurant" he said

Karaoke then it hit me it was that guy who jumped up on stage when I was singing a duet alone he was so sweet to do that for me but I still feel like I know him from some were else

"Oh yeah thanks again that was very sweet of you" I said

"No prob anytime" he said

"You have a great voice I just feel like I herd it before wait I don't even know your name yet" I said

"Hehe ross lynch" he said

Was he serious ross lynch I can't believe he sang with me he was so cute I couldn't believe it

"That's how I know you i'm such a big fan" I said

"Hehe your cute" he said

"Thanks" I said

"Here's my number" he said

I thought he was cute then Ty popped in my head we haven't seen each other in a while I don't know if were still dating or not I'm so confused I grabbed my phone out of my pocket and typed in his number then grabbed my soda and started walking towards the bus and waved bye.

Ross P.O.V

She was cute I loved her smile When I saw her singing on stage by herself I knew I had to sing with her i'm glad I gave her my number. I was on tour too with my band R5. I payed for my candy bar then went outside then I saw her your bus drive off I couldn't help but smile then riker walked up to me I could tell he new I liked that girl

"Cute girl" he said

"Don't even think about it" I said

"Don't worry she's not my type" he said

"Oh so cute is not your type" I said

"Haha cool it dude" he said

I rolled my eyes and went into the bus and sat next too rydel

"So who's the girl" she said

"An old friend" I said

"You like her don't you" she said

"Yeah" i said

Rydel smiled I grabbed my soda and started drinking it then it hit me what if she has a boyfriend I mean I seen her with justin but they were on tour together so maybe she does I put my soda down and stared at my phone waiting for her to text me.

Forever lasting love *Part 2*Where stories live. Discover now