It’s been a month since Augustus left the face of Earth. It felt weird not seeing or talking to him every day like we used to. I never left my room much, only to go to Support Group, visit Isaac occasionally, or go to caner meetings with Dr. Maria.
“Hazel.” Mom knocked before entering my room. “Are you ready to visit Dr. Maria?”
I nodded and got dressed.
“Hello, Hazel.” Dr. Maria greeted me with her warm smile.
I smiled at her and sat down on the conference room chair.
We all sat there waiting for the other cancer doctor, Dr. Simons, to come back with my results.
“Sorry for taking so long.” Dr. Simons apologized. “Now let’s see how you’re doing.”
He looked at the results, and then his smile faded away.
“Uhm, Dr. Maria,” He looked at her concerned. “Can we talk in the hallway for a minute?”
My parents started to look worried.
“We’ll be right back.” Dr. Maria said while exiting the room.
I looked over at my parents. Tears were forming in their eyes. This can only mean one thing, the cancer is back.
I looked over at my parents again, this time dad had lost it.
“Mr. and Mrs. Lancaster.” Dr. Maria and Dr. Simons were now in the room.
“I guess you already know, but somehow the Phalanxifor stopped working,” She started crying.
“Hazel, there’s a tumor and we don’t think we can catch it in time.” Dr. Simons finished.
Both of my parents have lost it now. I, on the other hand, sat there emotionless.
“I’m going to die.” I said in a monotone voice.
“I’m so sorry, Hazel.” Dr. Maria said while hugging me.
“How long do I have left in this cruel, miserable world?”
“Two to three weeks at most.”
I nodded, got up and walked out of the room. How was I going to tell Isaac?
About a day or two later, my parents took me to Isaac’s. I told him about how the Phalanxifor stopped working and I have about two weeks to live. He sat there emotionless like I did when I first found out.
“I lost two of my closest friends within a month a part.”
That’s when we both lost it.
We sat there crying for a good two hours.
“What am I supposed to do? I’m blind and have no friends left. What will I do?” Isaac sobbed.
“I don’t know Isaac.”
I shushed him.
I didn’t want to talk; I wanted his company while I was still here.
I died a week after I visited Isaac. I guess I couldn’t live to see one more week. The funeral was nice. All of my friends and family came. I felt bad for leaving my parents, but cancer kicked my butt. I didn’t know where I was going. Everything was white.
“Hazel Grace?”
I turned around to see who said my name.
He ran over and embraced me in a hug.
“Okay?” He asked inches away from my face.
We kissed like it was our last day together.
“I’ve missed you so much, Hazel Grace.” He said with his signature half smile.
“Same, Augustus Waters.”
My lungs no longer sucked at being lungs. I can breathe again.