Untitled Part 1

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It was late January and there was snow on the ground but to much snow to go to school. Me and my sisters were playing out side Morgan who is 7 is helping, Emily who is 5 build a snow man, I am building a snow fort that will hold an 11 year old girl in it with her sisters and it is going to be so great. "I am leaving to go to yoga so stay in the yard" said mom" and watch your sisters" "ok" I said. Now that mom is gone I can have hot coco

mom said no! But she will not mind ,so "who wants hot coco" I said, Morgan and Emily both said YES!!!" Ok I will go make some. After two minutes" I yelled out the window" it is done!!!" But no one answered so I yelled louder and still no answer maybe they went in to the back woods. So I went back there yelling Morgan Emily still no answer .

I have been walking for a half hour now I still can not find them and mom is going to be back soon. "I am home" said mom I ran into the house and said "we are playing hide and go seek" "oh" said mom I do not want you girls playing that game because there is a kidnapper on the loose in the area and hay where is my wooden mask. Oh it was Emily she took it dawn. No Emily is too short. Well she ohm used a chair. On the stairs!?!? Yep!!! Ahu. "Emily Morgen where are you I do not want you playing that game" said mom, still no answer. "I need to know hear my wooden mask is it has been in the family for years and if I lost it will not be good" said mom "well I am sorry" I said for I ran to my room and started crying. Mom yelled why is there hot coco out and the girls are still not back!!! I hear a quiet scream and then there was no sounds not a single sound then BOOM!!! I heard a gun shot and the window shattered I ran down stairs and there was no one. I tried finding moms cell phone but it was not hear.

Mom I yelled no answer. It was night now and there wear noises from down stairs I went in to the kitchen and I herd the noises from under the table but that was weird because we have a two story house and I am on the bottom and you can not go down form there.  

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2018 ⏰

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