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Amora's P.O.V.

Even though I just went to hell and back. I couldn't help but laugh at how ridiculous. He smiled as I started laughing. But it was hard to keep tears back. But I did. Even though I was hurting. Jack made that go away. For seconds. For minutes. 
He started the car and we had a nice talk on the way to the house. It was peaceful.
"Ayeee they are here!!!" We got out of the car and the boys ran and hugged me.
"Welcome!!!" Zach squealed.
"Sorry if it's a mess." Daniel nervously laughed.
"It's all ok." I smiled.
"You look like you've crying?" Corbyn pointed out.
I wiped my face and under my eyes.
I felt an arm wrap around my waist, I lookes and saw Jack.
"She's ok." Jack smiled, "I'll talk to her."
I smiled back at him and we all went inside.
"So, where did you come from?" Zach asked.
"Actually, I came from Boston." I answered.
"You seem to have an accent from here tho?" Jonah said confused.
"I was raised here." I said, "Since the best hospital for my mom was here."
I looked down as the room got quite.
Finally after a minute.
"Alright well I'll show you around." Jack said.
Jack took my hand and showed me around.
The kitchen and backyard and everything was just beautiful.
"And this is me and Daniel's room." Jack opened the door.
"There are two of you why do you guys have the biggest room?" I asked.
"It look big because me and Daniel are OCD." He said.
"Mmmhm." I replied.
"Thanks for showing me around." I said as we walked out of the bedroom.
"Course!" He gave the faint smile.
"Ah what the--!" I covered my eyes as they guys were in swim trunks an shirtless.
"Come on! Lets go swimming!" Zach said grabbing my hand.
"Oooh! And then we can play ping pong!" Daniel said taking my other hand.
"Wait, but I dont have a swimsuit!" I said as they dragged me outside.
"That's why I came to help!" I got hit in the face with a swimsuit. I looked and saw--
"Mandy!" I ran to her and hugged her, "wait how did you know I was gonna be here?"
"I may have contacted her." I turned around and Jack smiled in the doorway.
"Ok go look hot." Mandy whispered. I shook my head, laughing, and ran inside.
I got to the bathroom and pulled the bathing suit high so I could actually see what it looked like.

Even though I was the only one in the bathroom, my face went completely red, almost as red as the suit

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Even though I was the only one in the bathroom, my face went completely red, almost as red as the suit.
(note from the author, anytime Amora or any of the characters, depending on POV, the ' ' Mean that they are speaking in their head)
'Jesus Mandy.." I cleared my throat and locked the bathroom door.
I stripped and then put on the bathing suit.
I looked at the mirror and did a full 360 to see what is looked like.
I took a deep breath and then unlocked the door.
I ran quickly to the backyard and saw Mandy jump in with Jonah which was hilarious because Daniel pushed them. But shortly after Zach pushed Daniel in. Zach booked it around the pool as Corbyn tried to get him. Zach stopped as Jack was in front of him. Zach jumped in and Corbyn ran into Jack, making them fall in too.
I watched it all happen, laughing.
Jack reached the surface and came up, Ariel style. (For those who don't know, in the Little Mermaid, Ariel comes up to the surface of the ocean, flipping her hair back. Jack is majestically doing the same.) He got to the pool stairs.
I saw his face go completely red and still as he saw me.  I couldn't tell if that was good or bad.
I pulled my hair back into a ponytail and ran to the pool, pushing Jack in as well. I wrapped my arms around the back of his neck, putting my forehead to his shoulder as we hit the water.
We came up and started laughing.
I loosened my grip on his neck and rested my arms on his shoulders.
"Can you float?" Jack asked.
"What?" I asked confused.
He put his arm around my legs and layed me ontop of the water.
I held onto him tightly confused on what he was doing.
"Let go, loosen up." He laughed as if I was an idiot.
He put his hand underneath my head and slowly layed it on the water. He moved his other hand up my back and gentley held me there.
I still had my muscles tight.
"Calm down, lossen up." Jack whispered, softly, "Trust me."
I closed my eyes and I felt his hands leave me. I opened my eyes.
"Jack you let go!" I said right before my face being covered in water.
I struggled to get back up, because we were in the deep end, and Jack wrapped his arms around my waist and helped me up.
"Stop laughing at me!!" I said annoyed.
"You were doing so well!" He complained.
We got out and joined the others who were inside.
Zach and Daniel were playing ping pong. Jonah and Corbyn were sitting and looking on their phones.
"Where is Mandy?"  I asked.
"She had to go, something to do with her brother." Jonah said.
"Someones got a crussssh." Corbyn said in a high pitched voice.
Jonah hit Corbyn over the head.
I laughed which made them laugh.
Jack wrapped a towel over my shoulder and then wrapped one around himself.
We sat next to Jonah and Corbyn.
I shivered a little.
"Are you cold?" Jack asked.
"No I'm fine." I shivered again.
Jack rolled his eyes, "you are a terrible liar."
He wrapped his arm around me and I laid my head on his shoulder.
A ping pong ball raced passed us and into the pool.
"ZACH!" Daniel shrieked.
"IM SORRY!" Zach cried.
"Jack you need to come play." Daniel complained.
Jack chuckled.
"JACCCCCCCK!" Daniel whined.
"Amora wanna play?" Jack asked.
I perked up my head, "You're on."

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