Into the Mosh Pit

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Hinata packed the last box and sat it on top of the others. She picked up her phone as the movers came in.
They picked up a couple boxes each and she sat down on the floor.
Hinata plugged her headphones into the jack and put her Beats on top of her head. Going through the song list, she found one appropriate for her mood, World So Cold by 12 Stones.
She tapped the replay icon and watched as her things were taken away.
She had to say good-bye to the room she grew up in, the school she had grown accustomed to, and to her only friend.

Hinata crawled over to her window and rest her elbows on the window-sill. She looked out to a tree, her tree, the only living thing that would listen to her.

"Hinata," her father appeared in the doorway, "We're leaving," he informed her before turning to walk down the hallway.

"Bye tree," she whispered and left her room, left the walls she drew on and the memories she made. Going down the stairs, she slid her fingers along the railing remembering all the times she fell down and occasionally up the carpeted steps. Before her feet hit the bottom step, she saw a vision of her mother sitting there, holding her child and carrying the unborn one. She had to let all of this go to another person just because her father got a higher position in his job.

She stepped out of the house and slowly closed the door behind her. She put her jacket hood up and shoved her hands into her pockets. Hinata walked up to the truck her father bought a year ago. She didn't know a lot about trucks, but this one she liked. It was black and the windows were tinted.

She sat in the back with her sister Hanabi while her dad and cousin, Neji sat up front. Neji was with them because his father died some years back.

"Hinata, did you get everything?," her father asked looking back at the two girls in the mirror.

She glared back and nodded, "Everything but my tree," she mumbled looking out the window.

"Ugh," Hanabi groaned, "Will you please shut up about that stupid tree! Maybe if you don't have it you'll make some actual fri-."

"Hanabi!," Neji cut her off and their father shook his head while putting the keys in the ignition. She slumped back in her seat and crossed her arms. Hinata looked out the window as the car drove away from the only place she would ever call her real home.

It took nine hours, but they finally arrived at the house, or mansion to some, in a city that was, according to the all the signs, called Konoha.

The truck pulled in to a driveway that looped near the house to create what looked like to Hinata, a ring on a stick. They parked in front of the house and the mover vans parked behind their vehicle. Everyone got out but Hinata. She took her seat belt off, but sat with her headphones on.

Neji tapped on the glass, she didn't hear it, but she wasn't blind. Because the truck was turned off, the windows wouldn't roll down so she had to open the door.

"Are you coming?," he gestured to the house behind him.

"When pigs fly and Shrek becomes human," she closed the door again and slid the lock to, well, locked. Neji sighed and went to help the movers and Hiashi pack boxes.

Hinata figured there wasn't much she could do in the backseat of a truck, so she got out. Instead of going to the house, she went around the car and started down the loop of the driveway. She slipped out unnoticed and walked out the front gate. The bars slid shut behind her to reveal a big H imprinted across the bars in a silver cursive letter.

"Of all the shit you could do with your money," Hinata mumbled as she ran down the sidewalk, stopping at the cross walk. She let a car go by then ran across to the other side. She listened to her music as she passed by a park. She looked passed the brick entrance to see a mother and her child playing.

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