The girl/ La Chica

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She was different from the rest and both boys knew it. She had that something that just made you go crazy for her. She was a tough one to crack though and they hated that.She hated being vulnerable, she hated people looking at her most vulnerable side so she put up walls, walls that they both tried to crack down and only one was able to accomplish and that made her scared which made her even more beautiful in their eyes. She tried to be a strong person and she was probably the most strong, stubborn, independent, and beautiful girl both had ever met. She was protective of her heart but when she loved, she gave it her all and they both fell for her even more.

She was a journalist someone who in her own words ''ask the hard questions to get the real answers", always wanting to get to the truth, to get the bigger meaning, and finding the missing pieces. So that meant she always had a sharp tongue always giving you attitude, trying to figure you out by asking you difficult questions but not letting you figure her out. They both hated that part of her because they wanted to be there for her they both didn't care about how scary her vulnerable side was because they knew that they would just love her more and they wouldn't leave like she said they would.

It wasn't only that which made them fall. It was the fact that when you first looked at her she looked icy cold especially with those brown eyes that could kill you with one look and would make you think she's the most serious person ever but she wasn't. Because when you saw her smile that reached from ear to ear showing off her dimples that she so greatly disliked but were loved,you would see that she was very light-hearted, loosen, and she knew how to have fun. Just by looking at her smile you would change your mood from sad to happy in just one second.Her beautiful brown eyes told you everything with one look whether she was sad, mad, anxious,  eran lo que la delataban cuando ella mentia, te decian todo pero al mismo tiempo te escondian todo esos ojos de chocolate .(1)(translation at the bottom)

Her body was also beautiful, no she wasn't a model with the perfect figure but she loved her self and that transpired to her body when she danced she looked so sensual but so sophisticated showing off her beautiful figure. But it wasn't just that.

She was brutally honest no matter if they got hurt or not she told them how it was no boundaries what so ever, she didn't treat them like gods and nor wanted to serve them at their every plead she treated them like people, she didn't act like someone else to get their attention, she had a sense of humor like no other you could make fun of her and she wouldn't get angry she would return it.

And she made it clear that she didn't need any man she had herself and only need herself she needed someone who could complement her saltiness with sweetness and vice versa, someone who pushed her as much as she pushed him to be the best, that wanted her to chase after her dreams, someone who didn't let her give up, that understood that she sometimes needs to be alone with herself and was okay with it, someone who wouldn't run when things got hard.

She was different in so many ways, not just her looks that could kill you but her personality as well so realistic and stubborn if it wasn't her way then it wasn't any other way, she got what she wanted and she didn't let anything get in the way but she was also so caring, passionate, delicate but so strong, funny yet serious, stubborn yet open-minded, fearless yet scared, .She had this beautiful balance to her that made you fall for her so bad which is why when they both met her they knew they would be in big trouble.

Joel had met her first at an old diner at 2 am and neither would have thought that this meeting would define what would come for all three of them.

*first chapter up idk if people actually read let's hope they did the actual story will start next chapter just wanted you guys to get a feel about how the story would be and how the girl is*

and like I said before there will be parts that will be in spanish maybe even some chapters but I will either make another book where I'll have a translations or have them here at the bottom*

(1) those beautiful chocolate eyes betrayed her when she lied about how she felt, they told you everything but at the same time hid everything.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2018 ⏰

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