Meet the Author

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His Valor started its journey sometime in 2017. It is the first historical fiction I tried to dabble around and the novel's first draft is still in progress. I have tried my best to stay true to India's culture and happening from her historical time. I will not specify a particular era/dynasty because frankly, I have been a weak student when it comes to history. But, I have done my best to research for the story and I promise, I have put in my best efforts.

Writing is definitely one of my passion and I do not take it lightly. If I have made any mistakes, than I am sorry. As a forewarning, there may be tons of factual errors but remember, this is a work of art. Please keep an open mind while you are reading. If there are grammatical errors, kindly point them out.

Rating: Maturity based on time, age and the novel's setting. 

Votes/Comments: If you are not aware, ever since the ranking system has changed on Wattpad, comments is one of the major factors. I appreciate the silent readers who leave a vote to show they are reading but if you can, one comment per chapter will be highly appreciated. I reply to all the comments, (or at least I do my best to) and this way, we get to know each other as well. I get to know what my readers are expecting and you get to see my mind-set which shall help you predict the future turns in story. So yes, please comment guys. Show some love and support.

Updates: Since I have (almost) completed Part One of the first draft, the updates may be every other week, depending on my academic and work schedule. Please be patient and if you want to guilt-trap me into writing faster updates, comments are the best way to do it! (just saying)

Disclaimer: © Copyright 2017, All rights Reserved @little-flaws/wattpad. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner mechanical or electronic without the express written permission of the author.

 This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner mechanical or electronic without the express written permission of the author

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In the next chapter, I will provide some hindi slangs/titles used throughout the story.


His ValorWhere stories live. Discover now