a/n: Hi I'm Chloe and this us my first wattpad story on mlp fim but it's different I will add one of your ocs to complete the mane six so please tell me a description of your pony and her/his characteristics note THERE WILL BE NEW ELEMENTS OF HARMONY THANK YOU
Chlarities POV:
It was a normal day at Canterlot High and I was walking to class and as usual everyone oohed and awed at at me who was not only a singer but an alicorn as well. But there were five people who weren't ooing and awing and I had to meet them except the bell rang and I had to go too class. Also did you know that my twin sister is in fact Rarity the famous designer. I look just like her but my mane is a bright blue. And in class there I sat next to the so called "populars".
Not only were they fake but very snobby and to be honest I could turn everyone against them but I won't. Yet...Class was so boring but luckily it was choir time and I was able to sing my heart out “You don't have to cover up the way you are is fiine//You are oh so sweet and young so live your life devine. Was a song I wrote but not for an album. Just mine. All mine.and now it was lunch and so I flew out as fast ad Dash (Rainbow of course) to find the people I saw this morning there was one with light brown loose hair and turquoise fur. Her cutimark was a tiara inside if what looked like a Disney symbol crossed with a heart. The second had dark brown hair and little curls and light brown fur. Her cutimark was a marker and notebook. The third was a girl with the same kind of dark hair as the second but strait she wore square glasses and her fur was pink Her cutie mark was science and math and language signs . And the last one...
My Little Highschool: Friendship's Still Magic
FanfictionAbout friends and his they see the true character of a pop star and who she really is...