One direction true perfection xxx

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  • Dedicated to harry styles, louis tomlinson, liam payne, niall horan, zayn malik

Hey guys, this is my first chapter or my first story!!! Hope you enjoy!!! Xxx

One direction true perfection xxx chapter 1

"HARREH!!!" I screamed from the Kitchen " get down here NOOOOOWWWW!!!"

I had just woken up after a hectic night with the rest of 1D, It was epic!!!

"Urg what?!?!? You woke me up you sexy beast!" Harry said, whilst hugging me and nuzziling his head in my neak in his sexy morning voice.


"WHAT?!?!?" Harry suddenly jumped out of our morning snuggle and was now on the floor rocking forwards and back. TAC-OS is Harry's fave breakfast cerial as it has hoops that taste of tacos in a taco shell bowl!

I bent down beside him and massaged his shoulders.

"It's gonna be OK Harry" I said as I kissed him on the cheek.

Today was out 5 month annavrsary and it was going to be very special as Harry and Lou are planning a surprise trip but won't tell me what it is!!!

Sorry its a bit short but its all i have so far xx let me know what you think xxxxx luv u x

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2012 ⏰

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