Reflection: NJ

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January 1, 2018
     New school, new house, new friends: New York. Ever since I got here I have been constantly staring outside of my window and writing in my journal. I haven't made many friends but there is this one girl that I love talking to. Her hair frames her face perfectly, her eyes light up when she's talking about something she's passionate about, and her smile is intoxicating; causing me to smile whenever I see her smile. Whenever I talk to her I can't help but laugh around her, her personality is great and she's very funny. This girl is the only one who I have found companionship in so far.
     Most of the sophomore kids are very shallow and rude. Or "fake" as they would call it. Most people only talk to others if they need something in return; they never ask how you're doing. That's one I can't stand about school, no matter where you go there will always be shallow people ready to appease others with the amount of "clout" they have.
     Currently I'm in English, the teacher is droning on about Shakespeare. I have already completed all my assignments and already have a vast knowledge on Shakespeare so I don't really need to pay attention. Mrs. Wick is only over viewing the assignment from yesterday for those who haven't completed it. I can tell from her voice that she is absolutely fed up with this kid Chris; Chris keeps mocking her voice and flicking his pencil on his desk. I can't stand him. 
- Kim Namjoon

     The bell shrieks and the kids begin to leave the classroom. "Where do you think you're going?!" Mrs. Wick said impatiently. "In this class we have a chant if you haven't remembered. You're not allowed to leave until you hear me say these words 'Everyday you get better'." She explained further as everyone in the classroom became quiet and sat down. "As I was saying," she huffed "We have a partner project over Macbeth. For this project I would like you to get with two other people in the class and explain who caused Macbeth's downfall: the witches, Lady Macbeth, or Macbeth himself." Mrs. Wick finished with a smile on her face. A minute has passed since the bell rang and everyone was bouncing their legs anxiously waiting to get out of the classroom. Chris rolled his eyes as Mrs. Wick spoke. "Everyday you get better." Mrs. Wick concluded as she fixated her hair to the other side of her shoulder. "Damn Mrs. Wick lowkey whack for making up that new mantra" I thought to myself. "Damn I'm getting hella good at English too, call me bi linguini"
     Everyone paced their way to the door to make sure they weren't late to their next class. "Man I cant believe Mrs. Wick is making us do that shitty project." Chris huffed as he angrily walked through the hallways. "Bro it's a group project you'll be fine. You can work on it with me." His friend who I have yet to find out his name replied. I tore my attention away from them as I headed to Art. I walk in silence until I hear someone shuffle behind me. "Heyy, you're the new kid right?" A male voice said to me. I look to him and simply nod while smiling. "Yeah, my names Namjoon. What's yours?" I reply. With a half smile on his face he points at himself and introduces himself as Ezekiel. "My friends and I were wondering if you wanted to head out to lunch with us today. We all know how lonely it is to feel like a foreigner in a new school." Ezekiel shares as we both walk into the art room. "I've been here for a whole month and no one has offered to eat with me. Plus Ezekiel seems nice. I should go." I thought to myself. "Yeah that sounds good, what class do you have before lunch?" I ask. "I have Biology with Mr. Hemmings." Ezekiel said as he got out his sketch book. "Oh okay I'll meet you there. You have Mr. Hemmings so you're a sophomore right?" I inquired becoming more curious about the boy in the red shirt in front of me. "Yeah, you?" He said detached as he began doing the assignment on the board. I get out my sketch book as well and follow suit. "Yeah I'm a sophomore." I say.
     "Cool. So I'll meet you at Hemming's class then. Oh one thing." Ezekiel started his sentence and then lowered his voice. "You should take off the blue flannel you're wearing when you meet my friends. Some of them would get the wrong idea." I look up at Ezekiel with confusion present in my face but just nod. "Are Americans often times offended by certain colors?"  I thought to myself and made a mental note to look it up when I got home.
     I spent almost the whole class hour talking to Ezekiel and told him about how I moved from Korea and other miscellaneous things like that. The bell rang signifying everyone to go to fourth hour (the hour before lunch) and everyone scrambled out of the classroom. I made my way to Mrs. Robinson's classroom and that's when I saw her. Her smile took my breath away and left my heart pounding. Y/N, you will be mine.

     Lmaoo hey this me the author. This is my first BTS fanfic and I know it's not the best right now but I promise it will get better. Thanks for reading and have a good day 💖💓

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