Chapter 8

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Hayden's P.O.V.

As soon as I stepped into my house, I hastily walked into the living room and plopped down on the couch. I let out a huge sigh.

I just asked out Hunter Hastings.

 I don't know what I'm feeling right now. Happy, excited, confused, nervous, surprised, sad-


Why am I sad?

I'm not sad. Ijust asked out the girl I've been crushing on. I'm not sad. I just have mixed emotions.

Damn, I'm turning into a girl.

I clear my head of my confusing thoughts, and turn on the TV.  About 20 minutes later, my phone starts to ring. I see Hunter's name flash up on my screen

Oh no. She's not calling to cancel our date, is she?

I quickly answer the phone. "Hello?"

"Hey, Hayden." Hunter says.

"Oh, hey." I say, trying to be as calm as possible. "What's up?"

"Well, I was going to ask you what we're going to do on Saturday, I forgot to ask you at school." I let out a huge breath. Quietly.

"I can't tell you that. It's a surprise" I say, trying to be romantic. I hadn't meant it to be a surprise, I just hadn't thought about what we were going to do.

"Oh. Okay." Hunter says, giggling a little bit. I hear voices in the backround.


"Oooooh, Hunter, are you talking to your boyfriend?" Someone else says.

"SEX, SEX, SEX, SEX-" Someone begins to say, but Hunter cuts them off.

"SHUT UP, YOU GUYS!" She says, loudly. The voices stop, although I can still hear laugter.

"Sorry about that." She says to me. "So, anyway, see you tomorrow?"


Saturday is tomorrow.

"Yeah. Bye, Hunter." I turn my phone off and lie back on the couch. I hadn't even thought about where I was gonna take her. I didn't think I'd get this far.

Where do you take a girl on a date?

Movies, dinner, ice cream?

No, I can do better than that.

I walk into the kitchen and begin to brainstorm.

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