Chapter 1

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'Dear Passengers. This is the pilot speaking, we will be landing in New York City in about 15 min. so please fasten your seatbelts. We hope you enjoyed the flight, thank you for traveling with us.'

Hi, my name is Hannah Nelson, I'm 21 years old and on my way to New York City.

You could think it would be for College, but it's not. Neither is it a vacation, visiting a friend... nah not really.

You see I'm doing none of those things, I'm running away. Running away at the age of 21? Yeah that's right, You see my life back Home was not good.... at all. My stepfather wasn't a good man, he didn't treat me like I was his stepdaughter, more like I was his personal slave, so I ran away when I got the chance.

I have been saving up money since I was 18 just to get away from there. I worked at a café near my house since I was 17, then my mom died when died when I was 18, since then my life came crumbling down.

My stepdad started abusing me when my Mom died, began drinking like there was no tomorrow, he would abuse me when he was drunk but also when he was sober, he would take most of my Paychecks but after all these years I had saved up enough money to buy a one way ticket to New York City so that's what I did.

After getting through security without a fuss and getting my duffle bag, where I just had put some clothes, shoes, my phone charger and a picture of my mom, my dad and me, in before I left my stepfather for good.

Stepping onto the streets of New York I hail in a cab that could take me...well anywhere.

"Just stop here that's fine, thank you.'' I tell the Taxi driver that has been driving me around for about 20 min.

"That'll be $24,50.'' The driver said without looking at me.

"O-ok" I stutter quickly just before giving him my money.

'Great' I think as I'm standing on the middle of the sidewalk. 'I just gave that taxi driver my last money, what am I gonna do?'


It's been 3 days since I came to New York, and I've been sleeping in the streets ever since. I've tried getting job literally everywhere, but without any luck.

*Smack* I'm woken up by a stinging sensation on my left cheek. Standing in front of me are 3 probably homeless men reeking of Weed and alcohol, the middle one is suddenly lifting me up by my shirt and slamming me against the Wall.

"We're gonna have some fun, aren't we little girl?" The one lifting me up says. I begin Hyperventilating and my mind is getting fuzzy, so I do the first thing that pops into my head, I'm kneeing the man that is holding me in his private area. he's letting me go almost instantly and falling to the ground the other two men quickly go over and help the 'leader' I assume. 'Run! This is your chance to escape. So run for Christ sake!' And I did, I ran like there was no tomorrow.

"Go get her, you idiots!" I heard, which made me run even faster if that was possible.

I thinks it's been 15 minutes of me running and them chasing me, my lung are burning, my feet hurt like hell and I feel like I can't breathe but I have to continue, I can't stop, I won't stop, I'm not allowed to stop.

'Their gone' I think as I can't hear any footsteps behind me so I stop running I don't even know where I am, looking around see I'm in the more posh part of town where all the rich people live their lives.

"There she is! Come little girl don't be afraid, I would say that we won't hurt you but that would be a lie." he one that was holding me said to me they were only a few feet away now, what shocked me was that I didn't even hear them, so I sprinted into the nearest building.

"Help! Help me! Lock the doors! Lock them now, please!" I literally screamed at the security and receptionist.

After that I just collapsed on the floor and let the darkness welcome me.

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