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I wake up this morning feeling anxious. I don't know why. Chloe text me saying she can't pick me up so I'm just going to walk by my self...

I get myself ready and put on some white shorts with a burgundy top. I sit a bit of makeup on and go downstairs. I see my dad with his head in his lap. He notices me and lifts his head up.
"Ellie please wait I can explain..." he calls after me. I stay quiet and slam the door. Plugging my headphones in whilst I walk down the path.

When I got half way there something hit my head. It kind of hurt but I was more shocked then anything. I turned around and saw Grayson and Ethan laughing. I look at the floor and see a orange rolling near me. Oh okay they chucked an orange at me. That's nice. I shake my head and laugh at how immature they are
"Your pathetic boys!" I laugh and continue walking when another orange is thrown at me. I continue to walk but faster this time but it was no use because I felt another orange hit me. I grab the orange that just hit me and throw it as hard as I can at Grayson's stupid face. I'm not really good at sport or throwing a ball but the way I threw that orange it had so much power. Wow. It almost hit him and it would of if he hadn't if moved his head out of the way. Grayson started at me blankly and I shout back at them
"Weren't expecting that were you?" I shout at them
"Ooooo feisty today are we today" Grayson shouts back and I roll my eyes and manage to walk the rest of the way to school without disturbance.

When I get to school I walk to my locker and take out my books. I then get slammed against my locker and I drop my books everywhere. I look up to see Meredith and her friends laughing at me.
"Gosh your ugly" Meredith sniggers
"And fat. Did you gain weight?" Another girl laughs
"Your so pathetic and just disgusting. Do us all a favour and die already" Meredith 
I honestly can't be bothered fighting back today so I just give up and turn my head so I don't have to look at her.

They walk off as the bell goes and I walk to art. When I walk to art I see Grayson taking and laughing with some girl. I think her name is Freya. The teacher tells us to sit down and i go and take my seat but Grayson goes and sits next to Freya. What? I know he was mad for some reason but this is ridiculous. First this morning and now this? What is going on?

Art finished and I'm the last out of course. So I walk out and am on my way to science when I get pulled into the cleaners cupboard. I try and scream but a hand covers my mouth. I look up and see Grayson eyes . They have changed. They use to be this light colour and now they are just dark.
"Phone now" He demands.
"Why?" I ask
"Now!" He yells scaring me so I give him my phone. He snatched it out of my hand.
"What are you doing?" I ask
"Shut up" he snaps and I obey him scared to see what happened if I don't
"Okay done" he finally says
"What did you do" I ask
"Deleted my number of your phone you won't be needing it" He says and I swear my heart just broke a little
"Why?" I ask trying not to show my emotion.
"Because we are over. Whatever this is it was. It's over. Everything. No more tutoring because I have Freya for that now and you can just fail English because I don't care." He snarls
"Grayson why are you being like this."  I ask
"Because I hate you" he spits.
When he said that it honestly hurt me because even though I hate to admit it I have feelings for him and I honestly thought he was beginning to feel the same way. And even if he didn't it didn't matter because I like spending time with him even though he has been so horrible to me. I just can't help it. You can't help who you fall for...

I just stand there like a idiot not knowing what to say. He looks at me and then tries to leave but I grab his wrist stop him.
"Grayson. Please" I plead tears rolling down my cheeks
"No get off me". But I don't let him go I just hold on to him. I can't loose him.
"Let go of me" He spits but I still hold on to him
"Why?" I whisper to upset to actually raise my voice
"You don't even know what you said do you?" He asks and I look at him confused
"Well that's why then" and with that he yanks his hand away from me and storms out leaving me stood still.

I must of been in there for about 10 minutes trying to figure out what I did but then I just started to get angry. Angry at him. Angry at myself for letting him get away with every horrible thing he does to me. And then hats when it hit me. I hate him. He treats me like shit. He bully's me and my friends. He has been nothing but closed off and secretive when I've shared so much.

At that moment I didn't know what to do. I didn't know much actually. But the one thing I knew, the one thing I was certain of was I hate Grayson Dolan. And he hates me.

I hate him

I hate him

I hate him

And this time I mean it

I really mean it

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