Part 3

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After coming inside I was welcomed with a hug. I sighed and hugged him back. "I love you..." He reminded me. I smiled a little. "I love you too... i'm sorry I've been ignoring you. I'm just- so depressed" I sniffed a little. "It's alright, I understand.. just... take your medicine and we can go talk to a therapist together. It'll get better... in time". I silently nodded. "Alright...I'm tired..." I yawned. He looked at me "I've bought you a few things when you were away, wanna see?~". I raised an eyebrow "oh?.. Tch~ You shouldn't have" I giggled a little and smiled tiredly. He had me sit down by the table for some tea before he showed me the bags. He pulled out a short and thin silicon dress. I dropped my jaw as I looked at it. I had been looking at it for so long but it was very expensive and I would never dare buy one in my own size, I had always been scared what the cashier would think. " How'd you afford that!?" I asked amazed and surprised. He just smiled " I've been working a little extra..". "It's so... pretty.. ". "It'll be even prettier with you in it, go on... try it."

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