|Chapter One|

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Mabel looked outside the bus window as they strolled into the warmth of California. She was unable to sleep most of the way. Dipper had managed to fall asleep though, clinging onto the note from everyone. The hat Wendy had given him was crooked on his head. There was maybe 20 minutes left until they got to the bus station where their parents would pick them up. Mable felt tears prickle in her eyes and she rubbed them away as best she could.  For the past few days she had been crying a lot, and Dipper tended to comfort her . She was so sick of crying. Once she managed to stop herself from getting anymore upset, she shook dipper's shoulder gently.

"Hey...Dippin' Sauce.." She said quietly, her usual cheerful tone completely weathered away . "You should wake up...we're going to be at the bus stop soon. "

Dipper gave a groan and sat up a bit, he rubbed his palms against his eyes to get them to focus more, "Really ? Wow..." he said, looking over at her with sleepy eyes. " I can't beleive we're actually home. "

"Me either. I miss Grunkle Stan and Grunkle Ford.." Mable looked at her lap sadly.

"We'll go back next summer Mabes. Plus Grunkle Ford said he would get Grunkle Stan and everyone to video chat with us. "

"It's not the same! I want to go back...waddles is all by himself and ...and.."Mable's eyes began to tear up again, and tears started falling down her cheeks.

"Aw...Mable don't cry..it'll be okay.." Dipper said and rubbed her back.

"I want to go back to gravity falls..." She sniffled as she hugged her knees to her chest.

"I do too Mable, I promise we will, but mom and dad really missed us a lot. "

"I-I know.." She sniffed as the bus slowed to a stop.

"Last stop until Los Angeles!" Called the bus driver and Dipper got up, and held his hand out for Mabel.

"Come on Mabes, let's go see mom and dad. " Mabel took his hand and got up, walking off the bus. Their dad was already off getting their bags, and they were engulfed eagerly in a hug from their mom.

"My babies ! Welcome Home ! We missed you so much!" She squealed as kissed both of their cheeks.

"Hey mom, " Dipper said, crinkling his nose.

"Hi mom.." Mabel said, patting her mother's back.

"Hey Kiddos! "Their dad called out, their bags in tow. "How did you guys like Oregon?"

"It was great , "Dipper smiled as their mother finally let them go.

"I miss waddles!" Mabel said as she started to cry again.

"Waddles. .? " their dad asked, looking at Dipper for guidance.

"Her pet pig. She won him at the fair. Hes actually pretty okay . "

"Well...you can see waddles next summer pumpkin, let's get you kids home and fed yeah?" Their dad suggested awkwardly.

"Yes! You two kids need supper. " their mom hurriedly gathered them off to the car as the dad put their things in the trunk. "You both can tell me all about Gravity Falls when we get home. What do you two want for dinner ? How about a pizza ? "

Dipper and Mabel barely listened as their mom rattled off about what to have for dinner. Dipper looked over at his sister and saw the sad look on her face and wished there was something he could do for her. Anything. He sighed and reached over and put his hand over hers.

"It's going to be okay , I promise. " he mouthed to her.

Dipper helped Mabel lug their stuff upstairs once they got home. Mabel went to go to their room and was surprised to see it different. Instead of their two beds and obviously different things, it was just dippers.

"M-Mom?!" Mabel shreiked, running downstairs.

"Where's all my stuff ?? What happened to our room ?" She cried, panic setting in.

"Aw...mabel, sweetie don't act so hurt! "Their mom cooed as she wiped mabel's face. "Me and dad got the house renovated somewhat while you were gone so you could each have your own room! You both are teenagers after all, I thought you would be happy. "

"B-But...why didn't you tell us...or ask...or..."Mabel stammered, finding it hard to speak while crying.

"Thats all you two wanted while you were home! Now now, go look at your room. It's right next to Dipper's, it's not like it will be so far , right ?"

"Y-Yeah.."Mabel sniffed as she walked off and up the stairs. Her own room. All alone. Her lips turned to a scowl as she grabbed her suitcase and went to the room next door, and flung it open. The walls were a light pink, and her bed was all made and pretty. Her things lined the walls and shelves, and honestly, if she wasn't feeling as bad as she was, she would have been excited.

She tossed her suitcase to the floor with a clunk before collapsing onto her bed.

She wished summer never ended.


Their mother called them downstairs for dinner the next day, and Dipper quickly obliged. Mabel lingered in her bed. She hated her new room. Not because it was 100% so Mabel and wonderful, no she hated it because it was lonely and the things she once upon a time loved reminded her that she isn't where her heart was anymore. It's not that she didn't love her mom and dad, no she did. Plenty. She just grew so fond of her life in Gravity Falls, that coming back to this ordinary place felt so empty.

"Mabel, honey its dinner !"

"I know! I'll be down in a sec!" She yelled back. Mabel rolled out of her bed and walked downstairs. She was still dressed in her pajamas and her hair was frizzy from sleep.

"Mabel pines! Haven't you even got dressed today at all? School is next week, you need to start taking care of yourself. Sit and eat, and afterwards I want you to shower and clean up young lady."  Her mother said, placing a plate of steamed rice and veggies infront of her. Mabel crinkled her nose at the food.

"Yes mom. " she said as she poked at a peice of broccoli. Dipper looked over at her with a  concerned look.

"Hey Dipper, we got a letter from West high today. Apparently you did very well on your exams last year and they want you to skip a grade. "

"What? Really ? " Dipper asked , excitement in his voice.

"Isnt that great ! Our little boy is going be going to highschool!"

Mabel looked at her parents and brother wide eyed. Dipper was going to go to highschool without her ? No!

"What...? But - But Dip... you and I were suppose to stick together in school...graduate together and all that.." She protested.

"I know Mabes...but this is a really great opportunity. It's not like we won't see eachother. We live together. I wouldn't ditch you like that, but this is awsome! I can take advanced classes and maybe even graduate early. You don't mind that much do you? " he asked, looking over at her.

Mabel got up from the table abruptly and went upstairs without another word, leaving her parents and brother behind. Dipper winced when he heard her door slam.

"Dont worry too much sport, she'll get over it. " their dad said, patting Dipper on the shoulder. 

" I sure hope so..." he said, looking up at the stairwell warily.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2018 ⏰

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