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This story will follow closely behind Ally. A 15 year old school-girl with not many friends. Max and Ryan were her two best friends from her year level and always looked out for her. But there was also Molly. Molly, in Ally's eyes, always came first. Molly wasn't well liked and acted really fake half the time, but Ally always stuck up for her and did her good. Molly was just a little too far up there to realise anything that was going on. When Molly would get bullied, Ally was always there for her, when Molly's dog died Alex came over as soon as she heard and that whole night they spent watching old classic movies and laughing until Molly felt better. Ally was a good friend. Sadly though, Molly could not return the favours....

Pluviophile. It's a word meaning "a lover of rain. someone who finds joy and peace of mind during rainy days."

 It never rained when Molly was around.


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