Promised and Trapped 9/11 love story UsUk Hetalia

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I rushed down the street towards one of the identical buildings. Why does Alfred always have to be so forgetful and make me pick up the slack. he'd better appreciate me bringing his paperwork, he's always been such a scatter brain I don't remember the last he hadn't forgotten something . I stood for a while among the crowed street looking up at the towering building surrounded by a bright blue sky I followed an airplane as it flew not that far away, I wonder were its going. I bet Alfred's waiting for me, there is no time to day dream. I walked into the tower without a second thought to be greeted by the receptionist with a wave "Alfred forgotten something again ?" she asked with a smile "paperwork again" I returned with a smirk as I was about to pass through reception, when a crashing sound brought me to my knee's as the floor shock vigorously, violently had a bomb gone off or was that an earth quake? A high pitched tone played in my ears. As soon- as I stopped feeling dizzy I stood up and quickly ran outside to see what coursed such commotion, oh how I wish I hadn't.

"Alfred the meeting is about to start" my friend, Tony called down the hall "I'll be there in a minute, he should be here soon" I shouted back mumbling the last bit to yourself as I stared out the giant window, the city was laid out before me I scanned the streets trying to spot Arthur among the mass of people. I bet he'll scold me when he gets here like he does every day, but I would always forget something as an excuse to see him I hardly get to see him as it is even when I forget something, ever since I started this job we barely see each other. I spotted a messy blonde that stared up at the building as if he had spotted me his eyes drifted then he walked into the building, that must be him. That's when it all started. A deafening, ear piercing sound cut through the once quite air, it sounded as if someone was clawing their nails down a calk bored right next to my ear. The sound of metal against metal rang through my head, then the world started to jerk before me then sudden screams that's when my hearing was replaced with silence as if a bomb had gone off beside me . I crumpled to the grown, damn what's happening. My glasses trembled as if they were about to crack in half at any given moment, I blacked out. My vision soon returned I was being shaken violently, I made out the figure of tony he was crouched beside me I could tell he was shouting but I couldn't hear a word "..., A-a plane, it-it's crashed into the building we've got to get out" he shouted I nodded not responding still in shock.

There was a plane, a plane had desolated the building, how could this happen? Especially to one of the most famous building on the earth. My legs became weak as if they'd been running a marathon I wanted to cave in on myself right then and there, Alfred he better be alright. I stopped trembling and just froze to the spot where I stood , like me many paused from their everyday lives and watched the horrific event as the flames started to form and send spiraling smoke to the heavens. The more I stood there doing nothing, the more I thought, the more I worried about Alfred damn it, I clenched my hands into tight ball crumpling the paperwork I stared at the grown not daring to look back up in fear something worse would happen. I stood there for what felt like hours I couldn't take it anymore, I ran back towards that soon to be hell I escaped from but I was too late the police had figured out what I was doing within seconds and had stopped me in my tracks before I even got close and there was no chance of going to Alfred now "LET ME GO, YOU TWITS I NEED TO GO SEE IF HE'S ALRIGHT" I shouted furiously at the top of my lungs not caring who they were by this point "sir calm down we'll go in there and help them just stay out here or you'll need saving too" the male police officer informed me like I cared they let go of me thinking I wouldn't go after Alfred, I legged it but was restrained once more "Dude if I was you I would listen to reason" a stranger pointed out from behind us I took a few heavy breaths and came to a conclusion I would get arrested before they let me in there I closed my eyes taking in my biggest breath "OK, just tell Alfred to get out safe if you see him"

"we're not your mess..." he was intrupped by an elbow to the ribs by the female officer who'd also been restraining me she motioned for me to carry on "he's very loud, blonde hair, blue eyes, glasses you won't be able to miss him " I breathed the police women nodded and patted my shoulder "I promise you I'll find him" she smiled half heartedly, this women had just given me hope , hope to see Alfred again, just with those few words she'd made me trust her, and her every word because I wanted her to be true. She then ran off the male police officer who had been doubled over in pain in pursuit after her then they both vanished into the building but still I couldn't kill the dread that lurked at the back of my mind.

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