Poppy pov
I wake up to a ringing noise in my ears.The cold morning air hit my body as I took the cover off me and stood up to go downstairs and get some breakfast.As I go downstairs I can see that my mum has all ready made me a strawberry jam on toast (that was my favourite).After breakfast I run upstairs to get my phone to see if I have any notifications.
{Karenn.z and 10 others has just viewed your post}
{here is a reminder telling you that it is Finn walfhards birthday.}
OMG I totally forgot about that so I quickly get my instagram up on my phone and start to message Finn just to say how much I love him and to say happy birthday but then I just stop and start to delete it because I know how much of a idiot I sound like.So I just start all over again.This time I say "Hey Finn I know you won't see this but happy birthday!💝"Then I start to get dressed for school.
*Skips to 10 mins later*