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Tick-tock. Tick-tock.

The constant tune of a clock resounded in the room. Trying to fill the silence that had only heard the sound of breathing, the silent pleading of visitors.

The clock continuously, without any break, moves its hands forward. No waiting, never-ending as it is its job to keep moving.


It was accompanied by the steady sound of a tune that has been the thin line of hope for the one who is waiting. Together, they accompanied each other, creating music of staccato to filled the eerie silence.

Hoping it could preserve a little bit longer of what is left of the only person in the room.
A pair of electric blue orbs slowly pried open, tiredness was visible in it as if the owner had no more will, - helplessdyingdying- only waiting for his time to run out. Although, if someone were to look deeper, they would see the flames of survival still shining brightly in it.

He slowly, painfully, stirred his head to his right where a dark corner - seemingly endless darkness- situated. His eyes were locked at the corner, as if waiting.

And he didn't need to wait for long. For the darkness was moving, closer and closer to him until it was standing right next to the bed where he is residing, forming a silhouette of a person. He looked up to it and said--" You're making me wait for too long." He makes an effort to grin. Then, he promptly added just to ire the other party. " Baka."

" Not my fault when you're the one who keeps running away." The silhouette scoffed, walking around his bed and stopped beside the heart monitor. The moonlight from outside shone on its face, revealing a girl with a pale face. 

" Where are the others?" He asked, his voice slightly toned down. The girl's mouth quirked up to form a small smile. He looked down on his pale -sickly- hand with melancholy gaze and understanding. " I see."

" They..." and the slight wince was noticed, "said to punch you if you make that face when you hear this. But I'm a good BFF so you better wipe that off your face and keep it for the end," she said, patting his head. The man scowled and weakly swatted her hands away. 

" Oh, just admit that you like it when we do that." The girl snickered and then she slowly pulled the chair beside the bed and rest her hand besides the man. "You are being utterly dangerous this time, your plan almost failed. Can you just not go recklessly trying to be a hero? It's getting old," she said, sighing exasperatedly. The man smiled sheepishly.

" This has been like what?" She paused for a brief moment in mockery before giving a deadpanned look to him and added, "The ninth time we're in this exact, same situation. How many more would we have to do this? You're lucky that your flames managed to fool her into thinking that you're dead," the girl said solemnly, playing with all of the wires attached to the machine. 

" I am currently dying if you didn't notice." The girl gives him a death glare but the man didn't seem unperturbed by it. " This better work. I did not waste my power for you to fail."

" It has to. This is the only way to--*cough!cough!*" He didn't manage to finish those words when he started wheezing and choking violently. The girl briefly looked at the small desk behind her and took a glass of water for him. 

"Here," she said, pushing the glass toward the boy's hand. The boy sent a grateful glance to her which she responded by rolling her eyes. "Geez, why do you have to sacrifice yourself every time things don't go your way? you do know that we can retreat and make another plan?" She said, folding her arm over her chest.

Of Skies and Promise ( KHR AU)Where stories live. Discover now