A Perfect Valentine Eve

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It was just another day for me as I woke up and began preparing for the workplace. I found my breakfast on the table with a red rose and I was feeling some different aura around me yet wasn't getting it. Honey, are you still at home? I said. But no reply came from her because she normally left the home sooner than me. So, I left for the office as I was already late.

After reaching the office, I got busy with my work, overlooking what others were doing. In lunchtime, one of my best friend and associate Nishant asked - so what's your plan for the evening?   Plan for what? - I said. Buddy, it's Valentine’s Day, how could you overlook this? - He said. Holy shit!! How could I forget this - I almost yelled. Now, I realized what was that rose doing on the breakfast table. Rose? - He inquired. Yes, a rose and I think there was a note too which I didn't even turn. I explained him about the morning. 

She is going to kill you if you still don't do anything for her- He said. I booked a table for dinner in a restaurant called "Café For All" which is next to my house and texted her - 
"Dinner at 8, Cafe for all, table number 3. Love you, my princess. See you there". 
Following 2-3 hours, I got an answer from her - Alright, I will be there. :)  

I took an early leave from office and went to the market to buy a few presents, chocolates, and blossoms for her and Nishant helped me with that. We had spent right around 3 hours just to get one excellent present for the most lovely young lady in my life. I wanted to make this evening more memorable for us. 

7.30 P.M - Cafe for all

I was waiting in my black suit with a white shirt for my girl with all the presents which I bought for her. I had already ordered her top choices from the menu like nuggets in starter, onion, and paneer(cottage cheese) pizza with extra cheese & noodles and strawberry shake for the desert. 

8.15 P.M - Cafe for all

She was late just like any other girl. After few minutes, here she comes. She was looking gorgeous and more delightful in her red gown. I got up from the table and open the door for her, she came in and we embraced. I wished her - Happy Valentine’s Day Princess and kissed her on the forehead. She hugged me back and said - "same to you Dad". Indeed, you read it right "Dad". She is nobody however my 14 years little daughter and my world also. Since we lost her mother. She was the only one for whom I am living. We became friends after that and support each other in every circumstance. Truth be told, she acts like she is my mom and I am her child. Each morning she makes breakfast for both us and goes to class. In the evening, we prepare dinner together and talk about the day. It won't be wrong if I say she is a mainstay of my life and I can't survive without her. 

Well, she is here. I took her to the table by holding her hand and pulled a chair for her to sit. She got excited after seeing her most loved sustenance things on the table. We enjoyed the dinner a lot and left for the home. While walking towards the home, I get a chocolate ice cream for her. She was holding my hand for the whole way and telling me about her day at school. Following a couple of minutes of walk, we reached our home. 

 I thanked her for the wonderful evening, wished her goodnight and advised her to rest. She went to her room and while entering to my room, I took that note from the breakfast table which she had left for me early in the day. I read the note and it says-

                              Happy Valentine’s Day My Prince Charming "Dad"

Penned by - Navveen Verma

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2018 ⏰

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