Another Valentine

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C H A P T E R 1
"Every ending has a new beginning"

Hello everyone, my name is An Chae Yeon but you can call me ChaeYeon. I'm just your typical girl who have dreams in life.

Some people dream of being a doctor, an engineer, artist, actor/actress, some even dream of just getting married, but mine is something that most people don't think of...being a florist.

Yes, I have always wanted to be a florist as a child and I really love seeing and arranging flowers. It may be weird but it makes me feel relaxed and contented.

Currently, I am working at a flower shop as a florist and not most people really visit the shop. During holidays the prices go up and even the number of people who buys are just a lot.

As I have noticed the past years, they mostly come during Valentine's day. People happily pick up flowers for their loved ones, especially in couples.

Come to think of it, I was never in a relationship with someone. I am actually the type of person who was really not interested in dating. And one of the reason is that I focused on my studies and helping out my mom at the flower shop in my younger years.

That is how I got to like floristry I guess. Well, I am still helping her in the business in the present. It is now February 9,Valentine's day is coming near. It is slowly getting busy nowadays so we have been preparing more flowers and designs for it.

"ChaeYeon!! Come here!" my mom is shouting from her room. I responded
back saying "Yes mom! I'll be there!" I washed and wiped my hand as it was covered with soap from washing the dishes.

I rushed to her room and opened the door "Why did you call me mom?" I asked. "Can you please go to the market right now and buy some grocery? We'll be having visitors later so we have to prepare for their coming."she explained to me while texting someone.

"Oh okay, but how about you?" I said as I was about to close the door, "I'll be on our shop to sell flowers, and oh, take this money to buy the foods I listed" she said giving the money and the list.

After taking it, I bid my goodbye to her and I walked to the grocery since it was not that far from the house. As soon as I got in there, I took my cart and looked at the list that my mom gave me.

"Tuna..Brocolli..Celery.." I mumbled as I was looking for them. I leave a check on the food I already got and the last one on the list is....flour? "Now where is it..." I said in a playful tone.

As soon as I saw it I smiled and reached out for it but then in all of a sudden, something I could never expect to happen, I wouldn't have known that this meeting would ended up in a way I could not actually imagine.

It mostly happens in dramas but it is now happening in real life, here is where it all first love story.

I bumped my hand to another person's hand who was reaching out for the same flour I was gonna take.

"Oh sorry miss, you can have it" a very pleasing voice travels through my ears like the wind in spring. Okay that line is cringey.

I slowly looked at the man and saw him with a smile. I got a bit flustered by it, since it is very sudden.

I just silently took the flour and he also got one for himself. I left him without saying anything and it was very bad of me.

"I must seem rude to him" I mumbled as I think back of my mistake. I went to the counter to have my stuff punched and the guy from a while ago happened to be at the same counter as me.

Okay ChaeYeon, stay calm, he is just an ordinary citizen who you just happened to have a short conversation with, nothing big.

I exhaled and tried to act normally but then he noticed me and called for my attention. "Oh, we see each other again" he says smiling.

"Y-yeah I guess" ughh why am I even stuttering? "Sorry for leaving you like that a while ago sir, I was kind of rude." I continued my statement as I was looking sorry.

"Nah, I'm fine with it, but don't let nervousness comes first, it could cause misunderstandings after all." He said in a tone I'm not really sure of. Maybe teaching me a lesson?

"Okay sir, thank you for that" I said and he just smiled back at me. It is already my turn in the counter and after buying what I needed, I immediately walked out of the grocery.

"Hey miss, you dropped your wallet!" the man shouted from behind. Just what's wrong with me today? I'm obviously not doing this on purpose...

-To be continued

Hey guys~~ First of all......HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY! For everyone who is enjoying this day are lucky,okay I won't be bitter hahahaha So I am planning to do this Valentine special for a week and hope you guys enjoy it! For my old story which is "Lie from the Past" I will continue it soon but not now. And for the readers be patient with my story line. That's all of it for now, bye~

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2021 ⏰

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