Chapter One: The Test

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It is the year 2132 and everything has changed. To phones and to flying cars. Those are just minor changes compared to the biggest one yet. Scientists have discovered that the very voice inside your head is in fact your soul mate. I know the concept is cheesy and hard to grasp, but it's true.

That's how I ended up taking a test in my first period class. Not just a test, but a test to help us find our soul mate. I looked down at the first question, then looked at all of them. I realized it wasn't what I was expecting, it was just information I needed to fill out. I scoffed. What is this?!

Name: Samantha Halls
Age: 18
DOB: August 14, 2114
And so on.

Once I finished filling it out I got up and handed it to my History teacher, Mr. Fisher. I scanned the room and realized I was the last one. I quickly took my seat and waited for the next step in the test.

Mr. Fisher got out of his seat and walked in front of the class with a white plastic box in his hand. He set it down on a table beside him and started to talk.

"That wasn't what you expected was it?" He asked the whole class. In return to his question were smiles, laughs, and a bunch of no's.

"For the last part of the test I will give you a liquid. You are to drink it, and I must say it isn't the best taste, but it's worth it. The liquid will help you find your soul mate by showing you directions on your wrist. It-"

"Like a tattoo?" One of the boys from my class interrupted him.

"Yes just like a tattoo, but it will go away once you have looked at it." He answered. "It will also show words on your wrist, like a country or a town. Any questions?"

We all nodded our heads. He opened the box on the table and got out smaller boxes out of there. He took out 3 boxes out of the original box and opened one of them.

In them lay 10 bottles of liquid that looked just like a normal water bottle, but smaller. He started to hand them out to each student. Once he reached my row I started to get nervous. He put the bottle on my desk and I immediately drank it. It tasted sweet at first then it was sour and my throat became dry. I coughed.

Once he finished passing it out he came back to the front of the class room and waited for everyone to finish drinking it. When they did they had disgusted looks on there faces. I laughed.

"Class you're free to go home now." Mr. Fisher said as he dismissed us.

The bell rang and I got my book bag from under my desk and went out the door.

Graduation was tomorrow so school was a half day today. I went to the school's parking lot and walked toward my motor bike. I got my helmet from my bike and put it on my head. I sat on the seat and put it into drive. I backed away from school and rode home. On the way home all I could think about was my mom's words right before I left for school this morning. She said the day after graduation she would send my of to go find my soul mate. I wasn't to happy about that because I was afraid of my soul mate would turn out to be. When I was growing up I always had voices inside my head. More than one and I always thought if my soul mate had them too. It finallly stopped one day, currently I only have one voice inside my head, and I was happy about that. Now that I think about it I should be happy to go on this trip to find out what was going on. I was even more happy when I thought about my parents. Once they found eachother they got married as soon as they could. Then they ended up having 5 kids. I was 3 of 5. It took me 10 minutes to get home. I quickly got of my bike and opened my front door. The first thing I noticed was the amazing smell coming from the kitchen. I followed it and found both of my parents in the kitchen.

"Why are you guys here so early from work?" I asked both of them setting down my helmet on the kitchen table. My mom turned around smiling.
"We thought we would come home early to have a family dinner!" My mom said turning back to the stove.
"Also to talk about your trip." My dad said looking up from the cutting board.
"Okay. I'm just going to take a shower and come down stairs." I replied.
"Okay!" My mom said clearly happy.

I went up to my room and dropped my bag next to my table. I got my clothes, a towel and walked into my bathroom. I set my clothes down and my towel beside my sink. I started to turn on the water when I felt something on my left wrist. I turned on the water and looked at it. My wrist read the words England.

Hey guys! I hope you liked the first chapter. If it's boring now I promise you it will get interesting! Will update tomorrow:) Byee!

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