~Chapter 1: I am a MONSTER!~

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Naruto's P.O.V

Today is the my 16th birthday! My father is going to tell me about what I am. I knew i was not normal because I drink blood and adding to that list of not normal, I can transform into a big fox since a young age, my eyes are different colors also I have 2 chakras.

"Naru~Kun, Mimo is here." I heard my father tell me from the door."Okay, daddy." I answered back to him coming closer to him. I'm young but not that young, so let me call my father daddy! My parents died when I was born and he took care of me and ever since, he's spoiled me, I'm a father's guy not a mama's boy then again I don't have a mom."Naru~Kun, are you ready?" he screams out coming into my room "Yes!" I scream back. I went to the table and saw he was already seated.

 he stayed quiet for a second before talking. "Naru~Kun you are a werewolf, vampire and demon hybrid." he told me finally, I gave a confused look 'what's a demon?' "what's a demon Orochimaru?" I asked him wanting to know more about what I am."They are beast that becomes one with a special creature. Before they find the person they want to be attached to, they kill a lot of people." I looked scared, I don't want to hurt people. But he told me something that broke my heart a little that he would call me that. "You are a monster!" he yelled at me with a serious face" No I'm not a monster!" I didn't want to believe it! and I won't! If was one then why would he take me in! What was I his experiment the whole time?! What was the point of taking me in?! "Yes you are, now go away!" he said waving his hand in a 'shoo' way as if I was a disturbing kid he didn't want to handle. But I went with it but I took it a different way of 'going away'"Fine!" as soon as I said that I ran out of his place into the forest "Come back here Naru~Kun!" I heard him yell at me but I didn't listen and kept running. I'm running away, I want to get away before I hurt someone like that evil man I hurt. I'm hurting a lot of people and myself slowly, I just want to die! I was running and starting to slow down a bit from losing energy and air in my lungs and getting tired too, then a man with long white long hair came out. I'm so tired, so tired I passed out seeing the last thing was the man's panicked face.

A/N: I really didn't know where this place was sorry. So I changed it into a hideout in the forest I don't know where but heh~ I'll have to think of something or just keep it this way if you don't mind then I'll keep it that way if not.....GIVE ME A PLACE FOR HIM TO BE AT? a !*cough* Sorry I think I got a bad cough? Well Ja Matane (see you later~) or Ja ne (See 'ya~)

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