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Here you will find every single book cover or blurb that I have created for other writers.

Hopefully you should get a good idea of my designs and consider my services in the future, as well as recommending them to other authors or people you know.

While I will always try to keep your best interests at heart, I will always hope that you do the same with mine, so I do have a few terms and conditions that I do feel need to be taken into consideration, here they are:

1. In result to myself creating you a cover or blurb or both, I would like a mention on your page, a quick credit in your book, and possibly a recommendation to at least another author. To make this work, I need a good reputation, and that includes getting the word out - you can help me with that.

2. Please take into consideration that while a blurb may only take a couple of days to complete, covers may take a little longer, depending one what you want and the complexity of the design.

3. In any case of spam mailing, I warn you now in the words of Liam Neeson: Whoever you are, I will find you, and I will report you.

4. If you are not happy with a design, I will have no problems re-doing it, as long as you can give me some pointers on what you don't like about the current one, so I can rectify and improve it.

5. While any initial idea for a story will always belong to the writer, any blurbs or covers created by me are and will always be my property, and I feel that it is my right to advertise them in this book. Just look at it as free advertising for your story.

If you have any other questions, please message me or just leave them in the comments section.

Goodbye For Now!

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