Naked guy

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Thank you very much LindaProsser1 for your fabulous editing as always!

Love is in the air. Thank you for writing marvelous one-shots and thank you to the many readers of the stories of my two Challenges. In Germany there is a saying: "All good things come in threes." Therefore, I want to invite you to my last Challenge for the next months, the #GilmoreValentinesChallenge
If you want to join, just write a Gilmore Girl fanfiction one-shot (means only 1 chapter, you can write as many words as you want) which includes Valentine's Day and a happy ending (sorry, still hate sad endings). Publish it in February and of course you can also write several one-shots.
Share on FB and publish the story with the hashtag #GilmoreValentinesChallenge

I hope you like the idea as much as the Christmas and New Years Eve concept. Feel free to share the idea for as many stories as possible. Thanks. ClaudiaCleland

Disclaimer: Most characters, settings and some dialogues are property of the creators of 'Gilmore Girls' (GG) and a bit of 'How I met your mother'. This story is not written to make money. I own nothing, just borrowing a bit for this fanfiction and adding my own ideas. I am not a native English speaker and I will try to do my best and I have the best beta who helps me (thanks again for that Linda).

For Valentine's Day I decided to write about the pairing I loved at first in fanfictions and which made me fall in love with GG fanfictions: Finn and Rory. Not everything in this story is like in the Original series and perhaps not even in reality.

Enjoy it and I appreciate every comment very much.


One-shot: Naked guy

The first party of the new semester in Yale was on Rory's floor and Paris convinced her roommates Tanna and Janet to open their door. Paris even called Rory's mother Lorelai to persuade Rory to have an open-door policy at the party. Lorelai convinced Rory that it might not be such a bad idea to get to know the people in her building and experience new things.

Experiencing things meant Paris wanted to embrace the College experience and break away from her image at Chilton. Paris began to do research on the other rooms in their dorm, and finally decided that their dorm room was by far the best space to hold a party. Even Madeline and Louise came and visited Yale. Eventually it became too much for Paris and at midnight when the parties usually got started she kicked everyone out.

Rory was relieved when the party ended, and she went to bed. Rory had been asleep for only a few hours as she heard a noise out in the hallway. She walks out of her room and looks around in the main room of the suite. The other bedroom door was shut. As she begins to turn around to return to her room she hears the noise again and she puts on her blue and walks out to the hallway of Branford.

Opening her dorm suite door, she sees a guy sleeping on the floor, in the middle of the deserted hallway, lying on his stomach. She looks around the hallway seeing if anybody is around to help her, but there is nobody around. Even with the dim exit light shining in the hall she realizes that he has no clothing on and he will be very cold when he wakes up the next morning.

She walks over to the stranger to wake him. Rory hesitates and is not sure if she should wake him. She decides he's probably just one of the party guests who drank too much and passed out.

Rory stares at the tanned body with the dark hair who continues snoring lightly. Using the belt of her bathrobe she tries to wake him by carefully tapping on his head. The obviously drowsy boy first tries to push the annoying feeling on his head away. When it continues he slowly lifts his head and stabilizes himself on his elbows.

Naked guyWhere stories live. Discover now