Girl falling for man

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Hi I'm Lilia I'm waiting for my friend to come in as I'm waiting for her I saw this man come up behind me it was a man with a black head black suit and really nice black designer shoes he asked me can he sit there and I said sure and he says so who you waiting for and Lilia says I'm waiting for a friend he says what's your name and she says my name is Lilia what yours he says Sean I don't think she's ever going to come Lilia says Sean says do you want me to give you a drive home and Lilia says I couldn't ask you to do something like that and Sean says I don't mind hoping other pretty lady as they are leaving. Sean opens the door for her and leads her out and opens her door for and then they get in and Sean says what's your address and William says New West 3482 Road as he is driving her home he asks her. what are some things you like to do and your hobbies. Lilia says my favorite movie is wish my favorite genre is Romance my favorite food. I like is Italian my favorite color is red and the one place in the world I want to go if I ever did Will Be Hollywood I like the views and the way it looks and the weather is beautiful and just the way the mountains and everything looks Lilia says what about you what do you like to do what's your hobbies he says I like to play games and he says one day I dream of living in the Hollywood too and having a big house for the family in there maybe one kid two maybe two and have a beautiful and wonderful wife there that I can trust with my lights and commit to and a Lilia says already have your life planned I wish I had my life planned out Sean says we're here and Lilia says can I get your number and he says yes whenever you need something he drives off and Lilia goes inside to see her best friend making out with a boy in the room and Lilia says is this why you didn't come to the bar because you were making out with a boy and her friend says sorry l I didn't mean to dip out on you like that it's just we bumped into each other we can hang out another time I have to tell you something that just happened lilia says Batman her best friend says okay come on tell me about it and she asks her boyfriend to leave the room for a while and he says okay and her friend says what's up and Lilia says so I met this boy while I was trying to wait for you at the bar and we bumped into each other and started talking and we had a good time and apparently we share some of the few things we both want to go to Hollywood both of our favorite colors are red and the only difference is he likes horror movies I like romance but we got along very well I got his number two in case I need them an emergency Lily owes friend says wow you seem like you had fun want to see him again and Lilia says what do you suggest how about we throw out invitations and have a party and we can play a few games truth or dare and you get to ask Truth or Dare they have to be truthful about it or you can get them to do something when do you think will be good to have the party and send out invitations we can send them out right now and then we can start planning Lilia says that she started lilias friend says okay so you do half of them and I'll do half a few hours later after wrapping the letters up and stick them in the mailbox they go to bed love you all let's go to bed says her friend and then we can start shopping tomorrow for all the stuff we need okay good night as they were sleeping in the middle of the night there was a little noise outside it was like thunder it was raining dripping pouring outside and then Lilia screams to her friend I hear thunder I'm scared and the Deep scared voice what's wrong says lilia's friend it's just a little Thunder says Lilia's friend in a low voice the next day they wake up and they get ready and outside the window it's a sunny Bright Morning lilia's friend says get up and get ready we need to go shopping they give him a car and go to the store and when they get in the store they go down the food section first you may get some bowls cups liquor some drinks for the people that don't drink liquor we also need to get chips maybe like Doritos Funyuns hot fries regular kind for each of them get some table layouts some balloons by the Disco section and get some disco balls to make them shiny in the room and then get some chip dip chairs we need some tables we all send me the pay some people to get the house set up and fix me lately and decorating get the party started let's go that's all we should need says Lilia friend is it going to check out the cash register person says that will be 33 dollars and $0.82 when they're done paying they leave and they go to the house and call some people will come and 5 minutes later the doorbell rings Lilia says coming we just need to get the disco balls on top of the ceiling and then we'll work on getting the table layout set up and then we can clean up a little bit to see where everything else needs to go Lilia says I'm thinking of putting the dip and all the chips on both of the set of tables and that we need make where the spot is going to be for the games and put the alcohol drinks on one table and put the non-alcoholic drinks on the other table that should be all thank you for helping me here's your $15.20 few minutes later people start coming what's your guys name Lilia says my name is Chris I'm your best friends boyfriend Sean I recognize that name and I put my head up and I see a man and a black suit black shoes without a hat it's nice to see you again Lilia says Sean says it's nice to see you again you set up the place really neat a few hours later after I want Ian to know each other lilia's friend Amy says it's time to play a game called Truth or Dare it's where so nice is you a truth for example if I see is it true that you ever had a girlfriend you would say yes or no and a dare is if someone asked you to do something their daring you to do it and you have to do it Amy says you guys got it and everyone says yes Sean you go first Amy says Pick who you want to truth or dare he chooses Amy truth or dare Amy says truth Sean says is it true you have had your first kiss Amy replies yes I have next Amy's boyfriend Todd and gabbie Amy Whispers in Todd's ear dare gabbie to go in the closet with Sean until they kiss Todd says I dare you to go in the closet with Sean until you kiss him they both say no Amy says you have to its a dare and then they go in gabbie says in her head why is it so dark in here Sean turns the switch on and says you don't have to kiss me if you don't want to and she says I'm trying to get out here they walk closely to each other and slowly put his soft lips on me it felt amazing its like I was addicted we kissed a minute straight and then stopped they go out and then the party is over because they took so long. Sean ask Maggie does she want to go out on a date with him and she said yes I would love to she's says what time do I need to be ready he says tomorrow around 5 p.m. Sharp see you tomorrow says Sean by everyone the party's over Amy and Maggie starts cleaning up on them a me since asking so how was the party it was good I can't wait for the date tomorrow Amy says well let's clean up after hour of cleaning up they both change and go to bed the next day Amy sits thinking about what she's going to wear for her date she says I will wear some black high heels with a long dress and my hair flat do you always lay there Maggie gets to the door because the doorbell rings and Amy Says have fun and as Maggie's walking up to the door she sees Sean has red flowers and she says thank you they smell so wonderful and look so beautiful he leads her out the door she asks him where is it and he says it is a surprise and she says okay and 3 minutes later he says are you ready to find out where we're going and she said yes what a happy face and blushing one minute later we're here all I see when I look up is a fancy restaurant when I walk inside it is high table with white napkin around the silverware and glass cups that look like they can be used for champagne and the crossing is are white and the food around me or high class food he says order whatever you want she says I want some pasta with the croissant and bread and he said okay and he gets the same thing waitress comes over and she says what can I get you to them can I have two orders of pasta with a croissant and bread and can I have your expensive champagne is that all for today sir and he orders a strawberry shake with two straws shake thank you Sean says what do you think of the restaurant she says it's beautiful I never seen nothing like it before the glasses are so Crystal Clear and the tables are so neat with a low white rags around them and silverware wrapped up this is a really fancy place she says how did you afford all this he says thank you so much few minutes later the lady comes says here enjoy Sean says would you like some wine and she said sure she asks him how's your food delicious how about you it's so good would you like me to drive you home sure he drives her home and he walks in her bedroom she says thank you and you can sit down if you like he says thank you as they say they stare at each other something comes over them and she starts welcome over to Sean and they both don't want to doing Maggie size in her head I don't know what came over me I think it's the alcohol that got to me I start walking over to him and then I Face front of his face and put my legs and butt on him pushing him on the bed and start kissing him and then he flips her over and start kissing her softly from top to bottom and then they stop and get off each other want to know what happens next read part 2 coming out soon.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2018 ⏰

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