Knowing your self

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In the class of 1-A, which holds the next generation of great heroes in Japan or even the world was no false expectation. Many have the ambition to be the best of the best or the best heroes they can be.

Although lately that drive was starting to take a detour with the drama some people were witnessing between Izuku and Ochako.

Today, well today was another day trying out special moves and improving quirks for the students. Many in the gymnasium were practicing strong and strive to make their quirks beneficial to help them in the hero society.

Eraserhead and Cementoss were monitoring each student in the area. Bakugo was busy using his explosives on the hardening Kirisima, Denki and Mineta were doing drills around the concrete maze invading obstacles by using their quirks. Ashido and Jiro were using their quirks against the stones by melting them with acid or using in depth hearing on  a really dense surface. Ilda and Uraraka were sparing one another away from the majority of the students. Momo was trying out some knew weapons for better efficiency with the use her body fat. Todoroki, controlling his fire side to be powerful for longer periods of time and his producing more ice while maintaining a stable body temperature without getting frostbite. Tooru well... she was having a hard time trying to do anything.

With the sudden lack of ability to turn on her quirk even it shouldn't do so in the first place because her quirk was categorized as a mutant quirk meaning any physical changes to the natural anatomy through muscle and skeletal are always present and most likely permanent. This also meant she had no control on how her quirk works and now since her invisibility is inactive.

"Midoriya." Eraser Head called out. Getting some of the students attention. A pair entered the gymnasium one was a bony figure while the other was a short physique student who was wearing the U.A.'s physical education clothes. The skinny man walked with the boy guiding him with a hand on the boy's back making sure that the lose of balance would take place upon the young hero in training.

"Sensei... apologies for being tardy." Izuku days as best he can. The eraser quirk user noticed many things about the strength enhancement user. The boy's throat was dry causing the speech to be heard was a cracking irritation sound, the dark bags underneath his sight band thick red blood vessels on his vision was very... unusual to look at in the long haired teachers perspective.

"When are you not endangering your well being Midoriya?" The grown man ask in a scolding yet disappointed manner. All Might chimes into the conversation as well.

"I was here to escort young Midoriya to get the assignments for class today Shouta." The former number one hero explained. "Fine but being nothing more than a broken shell of your physical self is meaningless to become a hero. Now All Might you intend on taking Midoriya to the nurses office or you still want to talk about other manners." All Might just scratches the back of his head with his good arm while replying "Nope that's all Shota. I will see you after school." With the that being said Izuku bowes to his sensei and left with All Might but not before getting that days assignments.

In the hallways towards the former number one heroes office the successor of one for all felt weak emotionally to say the least even if he looks physically tired. Strange enough as he was walking Izuku felt the desire to move faster. The young lad brush this off and turn to the door to his mentor's office.

The bony man opened and gestured the lad to sit down on the sofa. Obliged, Izuku walked in the room and sat down on the piece of furniture. Toshinori brought a chair and went to get some tea and small cups.

When finally sitting down, Toshinori looked at Izuku who's gaze was at the table not the man in front of him. "Young man, take your time we have all day. Whatever's on your mind speak it." The blonde man reassured and waited patiently for a response or anything from his student.

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