Dear Big Brother,
My big strong courageous brother
Whose teenage days are coming to a close
The world is opening its arms
And the doors of opportunity appear
There are so many to choose from
But why are some locked
Why have some people taken the key?
Thrown it into the black abyss of discrimination
Dear Big Brother,
Why is it that your friends are blocked out
Is it because of the wheelchair he sits in
The things around her ears that make her hear
The way he walks, talks, thinks
Is it?
Those one in seven kids who are locked out, bullied, made fun of
Every single week
Does it really need to be?
Let's bring that number down to zero, to nothing
What these people will be when they realise the world goes round just fine without that nasty word, thought, glare
Dear Big Brother,
They will ground us to dust
But we will make them still know we are here
We will get in their hair
Their eyes
Their mouths
They will taste us
Our blood, sweat and tears
As we fight this fight
As we run this marathon
Every step of the way
Dear Big Brother,
We will stop the stares
The laughs
The gossip
We will shut them up
Because its not right
Those who look at the cover of the book and throw it away
We will make them read it
Every single word
Dear Big Brother,
I will march this march with you
We will protest
They will be forced to change
No more bad boys bullying whom bask in the bath of others peoples's hurt
Dear Big Brother,
We will call their names
We won't play their silly games
Instead, we'll punch our fists in the air
And pray a collective prayer
Our world will be changed
Laughter and glee will be exchanged
Hand in hand we will walk
Along that little sidewalk
Dear Big Brother,
When we overcome these people
And make them feel so small
Just single grains of sand on a vast beach
We will sweep them up in our ocean
And tell them what they did was wrong
Trust Me
Dear Big Brother,
Let you big voice boom
Hold your arms out
Grasp the heart of this problem
And stop it