18th of August

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Mark's perspective

18th of August 2016

Dear diary

So i am Mark and i am 17 years old. And this is my story about how I met a person that is very important to me.

So let's start from the beginning:

It was the first day of school and I was nervous, but I hoped that it would go great. I knew one person before so I knew someone and I just hoped that he would end up in my class. His name is Erik, we have known each other for some time now.

Well I went inside with my friend and I was looking at all the new students. After a couple of minutes a teacher came up to us and started to talk. He asked us if we knew what class we were in, we had no idea so he helped us.

We found out we were going in N16B so we are going in the Nature class. When we walked into the classroom I saw a boy that was like the boy next door material. He was gorgeous according to me. The day started with many name games and games that made us connect. Well let me just say that I only wanted to connect with one special boy.

I was talking to some guys in the class when I heard the voice of a special someone. It was a boy that was gorgeous looking and who had a really I mean really nice body. His name was Philipe his name and voice made butterflies appear in my stomach, it was like magic.

Later on that day I couldn't stand the butterflies so I said that I was sick and I went home. I was so in love.

But right now I am lying here in my bed writing about all the things that happened to me today, on the day that changed my life.

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