Grade 5 fun but fun

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Chapter 1 the start of the year for girls

So it's the start of the year you pick your desk and the teacher ask us to say your name and you see one guy you like who's cute so you try to play it cool but you can't then you see your friends from like grade 4,3,and 2 and your friends have the same crush and you say omg that's mine and you go crazy

Chapter 2 the start of the year for boys

So it's the start of the year you pick a desk and the teacher ask you to say your name then you see the most prettiest girl and you see your friends from grade 4,3 and 2 and you tell them your Crush and then they say damn she is hot I like her too your friends say and you flirt with her.

Chapter 3 dating for girls

So he asks you out you say yes you tell your friends and the go cray cray and you walk together then talk in class ect ect then in gym he fights with you then he makes fun of you for liking zack efron and then he gets mad at you when you send a note to a guy from your friend then he breaks up with you for no damn reason

Chapter 4 dating for boys

You ask that one girl out your friends go nice bro you walk with her do all the girly stuff with her talk you fight with her in gym for looking at your friend then you are jealous for her liking Zack efron then she gives a note to your best bro and you break up and she gets all mad

Chapter 5 ending the year for girls and boys

It's close to the end if the year three more weeks left but now I have a crush on that one person teacher freaks out at you every one laughs at you now you're crying your crush makes fun of you and then you flip out and you're at the principles office then it's summer

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2014 ⏰

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