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Draco woke with a start, his heart pounding and his head dizzy as he looked around the green room. 'I'm in my bed... alone... in the Slytherin common room... snap out of it Draco..' he thought to himself and sighed, covering his face and letting his head fall back onto his pillow. Every night It was the same dream, he was chasing after someone, chasing them and desperate to protect them from an unknown horror. Every night It was the same. He would get close enough to touch them but then they'd disappear without a trace. He'd look frantically for them until he heard a shrill cry, waking up every morning gasping and panting for breath. The blonde headed boy sat up in his bed and padded to the bathrooms, sighing as he got ready for his classes. The tall, skinny boy looked paler then normal, his slicked back hair more tossled then slick anymore and his expensive robes disheveled. He grabbed his textbooks and wand and headed for his first class, potions with the Gryffindors. Oh joy. He sat in the back of the classroom just as class started, keeping his head down and listening to Professor Snape drone one about potions of all kinds. This day in particular, a potion that would lead you to your destiny. This sparked Draco's attention. 'Maybe.. maybe if I do it right, I can figure out what these dreams mean..' he thought to himself.

It was later that night that Draco snuck out of his room and to the restricted area of the library, hiding in every shadow and crevice he could as Mrs. Norris passed him with a suspicious sniff here or there. He sighed quietly as he opened the gate and stepped inside, finding the book he needed and sneaking back out. He ran back down to the common room, hiding under his blanket as he studied the potion, writing it down for future use. He knew he had a chance on the weekend, everyone would be in Hogsmeade and he had been there many times before to really care if he missed one trip. He woke early on Saturday and got started once he made sure everyone was gone. He stole ingredients from Snapes closet, making it look as if Neville or someone had done it instead. He never normally would have stolen from his godfather but he was desperate to know what these dreams meant. He would have done anything to find out who the mystery person was and why they were so important to him.

He was bent over his cauldron, the final ingredient dropped in and stirring it in exactly how it said to in the recipe. He sighed as he poured some into a vial and stared at the beautiful color. It was a violet, a shade that reminded him of the night sky outside his window at home at dusk. "Bottoms up..." He said quietly to himself, taking the potion and licking his lips once it was down. It wasn't a bad flavor but it wasn't the best either, what a giggle could have mistaken as a child's grape medicine. Soon, he felt a twisting sensation in his stomach. Something was pulling at him. "This is it..." He mumbled, dropping the vial and letting it shatter as he ran. He didn't know where he was running to, just knew that it led to the person he needed to protect with his life. The reason for his destiny, the reason he had spent every second day and night wondering who this person really was. He ran through the corridors and outside towards the forest. The forest? No... that couldn't be right... his destiny couldn't be in the forest. They couldn't be. His feet continued on though, dragging him inside and on to the middle of it. He was panting as his feet slowed down. He saw someone in the distance, his stomach flipping and urging him on. He sucked in a breath and pressed on, running closer until they were in proper sight, only a few feet apart. Draco's eyes widened as he stared at the back of the head of the person he knew so well. They turned around and stared into Draco's wide grey eyes with their own bright green ones, a smirk on his face. "No... no this can't be..." Draco whispered, though his stomach had stopped flipping as soon as he looked into the green eyes.

"What do you mean? Why are you out here Malfoy?" Harry Potter, of course it had to be him. The man Draco despised most of all was standing in front of him. Draco was tall but Harry was taller, looking down at Draco with a smirk on his face as he watched the blonde pant and try to catch his breath finally. "Me? Why are you out here? Shouldn't you be in Hogsmeade with Weaslebe?" Draco snapped quietly, the feeling of being close to Harry not wearing off even though the pull was gone. Harry had felt the pull as well, dragging him out to the forest and stand where he was to wait for something. Harry touched his own stomach gently, realizing it was gone and frowned slightly, looking down at Draco and shaking his head. "No... this isn't right... this couldn't be..." Draco sighed softly, looking down and away from him. "I must have done it wrong... It can't be right.." Harry looked at the other boy confused, it clicking as he remembered the potions lesson from the day before. "Destiny... you wanted to find out what your destiny will be." Draco nodded and sighed. "Obviously I did it wrong. I must have added to many beetle eyes or something. You're not my destiny unless of course hating each other is part of it." Harry smirked and bit his bottom lip, thinking back to his own dreams which unknowingly were shockingly similar to Draco's. Now He could only see Draco there instead of the faceless person he chased, wanting to protect them from everything and anything. Draco turned to walk away and Harry grabbed his arm tightly. "Don't." Draco looked up at Harry as he leaned foreword, gasping and eyes widening when he felt a set of lips on his own.

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