one shot #crownofoneshots

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This story is about a girl name pragya who belongs to a very rich n a high class family but still indeed belonging to a rich family she made her career,her life by herself,she made her dreams come true,she achieved her goals,she was a very well known painter n a photographer everybody just loved her paintings,people use to says that she just put out her heart in all her painting's but inspite of all this she was her papa's darling,her dad can do anything for her,her dad can go to any extend for her happiness but still even though she had everything in her life like name, fame,best friends n a prefect family,her heart was logging for something,she was complete yet incomplete,her heart wants something very special like its craving for a someone very special n her search gets completed when she saw Abi for the very first time,she felt some kind of peace in her heart by seeing him,she felt like her heart was craving for him only,she falls for Abi at that very moment only n when she told her parents n friends about Abi they all gives her a green signal inspite of knowing the fact that pragya doesnt know anything about Abi more then his name because the way pragya described about pragya to them they all kind of like him,they all assume him to be genuine n with her family n friends support pragya soon finds out about abi's were abouts n does friendship with him,she slowly start knowing lots of thing about abi like his likes,dislikes from his friends because even though she n abi were friends now but still he hardly meets her n by the time pragya madly falls for abi totally unaware of the fact that abi was blind,he lost his both eyes in a accident n even pragya's family n friends too were also totally unaware about this fact because they all had never seen abi but when everybody gets to know about everything like pragya's family n friends get to know about abi 's blindness n abi n his family gets to know about 's love for abi,pragya's parents n friends simply told her to just forget abi n move on in her life n find some one who is of her type,who can support her,by with her lifelong in short the one who is complete not incomplete like abi n even abi 's parent's too thought that now after knowing about abi . pragya will simply walk out of his life as who will waste her entire life on a blind person but shocking to everyone n specially abi, pragya supports him,she stood with him,she denies leaving him,her parents n friends tries a lot to convince her by saying that she had no future with abi,she is only destroying her life,she needs to think practically not emotionally but pragya stick to her decision so in return her family n friends breaks all ties with her because they all cant see her suffering each n every day of her life but pragya never left abi even though he too tries to convince her to leave him n go but pragya always listen to her heart n be with abi n like this six months pass away n in this six months pragya never leave abi alone even for a sec,she becomes his shadow but by the each passing day abi becomes frustrated,he start getting violent, he start getting angry on small small things n he always let out all his angry n frustration on pragya but she never says anything because she very well understands that from what abi is going through so she never minds anything n always assure him that she will make everything back to normal n one or another day he will surely going to see this beautiful world with his own eyes to which abi always ask her when of which she had no idea because in this past six months she tried her best to find a eye donor,she even consults out best eyes specialists but nothing works our because of which slowly but she too start loosing her hopes but one day everything gets changed when abi 's parent's gets a call from a well know eye specialist that they had find a eye donor for their son n now they can proceed with a operation if they all ready but the operation will cost two lakh ruppes...hearing this abi 's parent's gets into dilemma as what to do,they want this operation to happen but they can't afford two lakh but not to worry because at that time pragya comes as their saviour n offers them her savings because of which abi  operation take place after doing some tests n check up n as the operation was successful finally after such long time abi saw this beautiful world with his own eyes n when pragya comes to meet her she was walking differently,she cant able to walk properly,she was walking like blinds n when abi ask her about this she told him that when his operation was going on she went to temple to pray for his well being but when she was returning back she met with an accident because od which she lost her both the eyes...hearing all this abi quickly told to pragya to just go away from here n never come back in his life because she can willingly spend her entire life with a blind man but he cant,he cant ruin his life,his future,he cant spend his entire life with a blind girl so just go away...hearing this pragya left from their but only after saying to abi to take care of himself n not to cry ever because if he cries tears will fall from her eyes which will gone hurt her the most,for a sec abi got confused by her words but later avoids them n moreover even though abi 's operation was successful n now he can clearly see everything but still till now nor he or his family or friends knows that who is the person who had given him the eyes which is making them feel guilty because they all cant able to thank that person from giving them the biggest happiness of their lifes so they all inquire the doctor who operated abi about that person but doctor denies revealing anything about that person because it was that person's condition that his or her name will never be revealed infront of anyone but abi n his family keeps on insisting doctor a lot so at last finally he told them that the person who donates his or her eyes to abi was none other then pragya,she filled her life with darkness n lonleyness just to fill his life with lots of happiness n smile,she destroyed her own life for making his life better,she gives up her eyes,her everything for him...hearing all this reality stricks to abi n he breaks down on floor because now he very well understands the meaning of pragya 's last words n he really feels very guilty for hurting pragya so much n for loosing a true life partner like her who loves him unconditional without anything in return n even abi 's parent's n friends too very also shocked with this revelation because they all had never thought not even in their dreams that pragya would go to such a lenght for abi,one day she will end up doing something like this so one of abi friend purab told to everyone that today I really salute her,today she did what we all had never thought of,yes we all love abi a lot but our love was nothing infront of pragya 's because we all cant ever do what she had done for abi,she had always sacrificed a lot for abi,first she give up her parents n friends support for abi then her career n now her life... purab again told to abi that buddy you are really very unlucky that you lost her n her love,you will never get someone like her who loves you unconditional n can do anything for you but its better that she walked out of your life because she was the only one who is in this relation ,she was the only one who always did everything to save this relation and you nothing,you are just always for the name sake in this relation whereas on the other side after walking out of abi 's life pragya was silently but proudly walking in the roads n as she was blind she cant able to see that the truck in full speed was coming towards her but before that truck could hits her someone saves her n that someone was none other than her dad,at last he forgives her n takes her back to her home because he too knows that if he hadnt forgive her then she wouldn't have ever returned back n he cant leave his daughter like this n after this pragya very proudly spend her life whereas abi in guilty...

Love will be alive even if we are not with them...their memories are more than enough to makeus alive.
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