Chapter 1: Going Undercover

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Chapter 1: Going Undercover

"Hey! Capsicle, wait up!" Tony Stark shouted as he ran up to his boyfriend waiting outside their work.

You see, Tony Stark and his partner in crime: Steve Rogers, were NYPD officers and they were currently awaiting a new case. Steve smiled and held out his hand for Tony to grab. Tony eagerly grabbed it and rushed to his side. The couple continued to talk with one another as they greeted their fellow officers as they walked to their desks, only to see that Captain Fury was already there.

"Hey Cap'n." Tony greeted, smiling.

"It's Captain, not Cap'n." Fury growled, his face showing no emotion.

"Whatever," Tony sighed, grimacing as Steve proceeded to hit him on the back of his head," Anyways, what do you have for us?" Steve asked before Tony could say anything else stupid.

"Well, this case is going to be a bit different than usual," Fury said earning confused looks from the man and man-child in front of him," there is the well known mafia in New York: the Ianucci," Fury paused as Steve and Tony nodded," and we have received a report that states that one of the major partners of the Ianucci has been seen near the school in Albertson's road. You will go undercover in said school until we will be able to catch Mario Dupravonov. Once we catch him then it will be easy to bring down the Ianucci." Steve looked slightly worried whereas Tony ginned like a maniac.

"I will leave you to get ready." Fury mumbled as he walked away.

"That's so cool!" Tony screeched, fangirling.

"Honey, calm down a bit." Steve laughed as he saw his boyfriend totally flip out.

"We're going undercover! We'll be like secret agents, like in super cool action movies. We'll have secret identities and we'll be fighting like robots, or ninjas, or robot-ninjas." Tony claimed.

"Don't get your hopes up." Steve giggled, ruffling Tony's hair.

Tony huffed and frowned, making Steve laugh more. Tony continued to frown even after Steve pulled Tony into a hug. Eventually, Tony started to giggle a bit, fully embracing Steve in his hug, wrapping his arms around Steve's waist.

"Can we still have secret identities?" Tony asked, muffled by Steve's jumper.

"Of course." Steve said, kissing the top of Tony's head.


                      ~At Home ~

Tony snuggled into Steve's chest groaning softly. He was tired after a long day of fantasizing about being the new 'James Bond'. He felt sleepy but internally groaned as he realised he still he to write up his report of his latest case.

It was a gruesome case - his favourite ones - and Tony was eager to finish it. It was a basic solve, a woman who was angry after her boyfriend decided to cheat on her. She killed him by shooting him five times with a gun. Terrifying.

Tony slowly unraveled himself from Steve's warm embrace and stumbled to the kitchen to get himself a drink. Tony really, really, wanted some alcohol right now but Steve made him promise to quit. Quitting was always hard but, in Tony's case, it was especially hard when the thing you are trying to leave has been with you since the beginning.

Tony had had a rough childhood and the only consistent thing in Tony's life was alcohol. When they first started dating, Steve was never fond of the idea of Tony drinking but when they decided it was best to have some time apart from each other, Tony went into a state of despair. He drank even more than usual and he slowly became more and more unhealthy until he, eventually, passed out from alcohol poisoning. It was a close call and Steve finally  realized how much Tony needed him.

It was a memory that Tony and Steve would both like to forget. Tony shook his head,

"I was a fucking idiot." Tony whispered to himself.

"What was that?" Steve suddenly said, making Tony jump.

"N-nothing," Tony stuttered," I was just saying how tired I was." He lied.

Steve nodded and wrapped his arms around Tony's waist, kissing the back of his neck making Tony shudder. He then suddenly bit down on Tony's shoulder, watching as Tony suddenly moaned. He continued to bite and lick Tony's shoulder, grinning as the younger man moaned from underneath him.

"You were thinking about your drinking problems again, weren't you?" Steve said breathily, continuing to bite Tony's shoulder.

Tony nodded quickly, letting out a loud moan erupt from his lips as Steve roughly bit down on his sweet spot.

"You are doing so well baby. Nearly a year, right? I'm so proud of you, I think you deserve a reward." Steve said, huskily. He grinned as he knew that he was driving Tony completely insane with his teasing.

"Y-yes please, Sir." Tony whined, making Steve groan.

In one swift movement, Steve whisked up Tony and hurriedly took him to their bedroom.

                   ~The Next Day~

The alarm woke the two up. They both groggily sat up, each having barely any sleep. Tony groaned and stayed still, trying to go back to sleep. Steve noticed this and smirked, leaning down.

''Wake up, baby" Steve whispered seductively in Tony's ear nipping it gently.

Tony smirked and slowly turned his body so that they were facing each other. They gently pecked each other's lips.

"Time to get up." Steve stated, laughing as Tony frowned.

"I'm still sore." Tony whimpered, causing Steve to swoon.

"Sorry 'bout that baby," Steve apologised sweetly," I didn't mean to hurt you."

Steve gently wrapped his arms around Tony looking at the many marks on his body. Steve smiled at his handiwork and started to get out of bed. Tony whined when Steve unwrapped his arms around him and started to get dressed. Both his jaw and his ass was absolutely killing him, he is definitely going to give Steve some payback later. The bastard.

Tony reluctantly got dressed and wondered downstairs to see his boyfriend making breakfast.

"Morning," Steve said kissing Tony on the lips." Are you still looking forward to going undercover? " he asked.

"Hell yeah," Tony replied,"I'm so excited!" He said grinning.

Steve giggled at Tony's behaviour.

"Me too."

Sorry, Sir ~ Stony/StarkQuill AUWhere stories live. Discover now