Normal thoughts

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Its always those thoughts you can only think of when your sitting on the bus home, or in the shower, or just staying up at night staring at the ceiling. The questions you have is something no one can answer.

What's after death? Are we all alone out here? Is something else on earth we don't know about? Why am I me and not someone else? Why does living seem fake? 

When I'm just sitting there and thinking, I never realize that living seems kind of fake to me, like a video game. I can do actions and say commands, I can gather valuables and make a family, and I can die. But the thing is I don't get to come back like video games, we can die so easily.  Yet, we still go on about our day. 

I wonder what else is out there, and what the future will be like...


(Most likely me sitting home alone browsing tumblr at three in the morning) 

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