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Amora's P.O.V.
I skipped outside, "That was an amazinng movie!!!"
I squealed, "Oh my gosh they were the cutest!"
I held Jack's hands as I spun around. "But they could never be as cute as you." Jack laughed.
"Stop it!!!!" I hit his arm.
Jack pulled me close and kissed me.
I giggled.
"Alright alright," my dad came up, "I want to talk to this man alone."
Jack's eyes widened and he took Dad's hand and they walked away. They sat on a bench underneath a few movie posters. I waited by a tree and pulled out my phone.

                 The Devil Himself
TDH: you bitch, this is your fault.
Me: What? Arent you in jail?
TDH: I did no harm, i didn't touch anyone or anything.
TDH: No evidence sweet cheeks
Me: Wtf do you want
TDH: You bby
Me: I'm with Jack. Leave me alone 
TDH: Go somewhere where you are alone and call me.
Me: why?
TDH: just. Do it.
I got up.
I texted my dad I was using the bathroom so that they wouldn't worry.
I got into, not the movie bathroom because that's always packed, I went to a small coffe shop and went in there.
I dialed his number.
"What do you want????" I asked.
TDH: Just listen to me. You may have gotten safe this time, but someone is going to get hurt.
"Why? Why cant you just leave me alone?" I cried, "I love Jack and nothing you say will change that."
TDH: I have guns.
My heart dropped.
"W-what?" My voice got shaky, "That is stupid. Why would you tell me that?"
TDH: because you will never find out about where I live and this will never trace back to me.
"...what do you want?" I looked in the mirror abd saw tears form.
TDH: Keep doing what you are doing hun, I will let you know what I want, when its time.
"Please just don't hurt him." I said, "He doesn't deserve any harm."
TDH: But he hurt you physically huh.
"......No. I love him."
TDH: for now.
I ened the call and ran out.
Bzzt bzzt
TDH: if you tell anyone so help me I will break that boy quicker then I ever touched your father.
I started sobbing.
I ran back to where I could see Jack and Dad but before I could go to them I fell weak to my knees.
I sobbed on the ground and heard frantic running to me.
"Amora!" Jack yelled and dropped to his knees hugging me.
He trued to sit me uo but I fell weak in his arms.
Dad rubbed my back, "h-honey?"
"Amora was it Aspen? One of the boys?" Jack tried to help me.
"I-I can't t-tell you...Jack.." I sobbed.
I tried standing up, but Jack picked me up like a little chimpanzee on a tree.
He rushed me to the car and he sat in the back, my dad drove, and I sobbed in Jack's arms.
The cae was silent, besides me crying my eyes out.
Jack would brush my hair as I layed jn his lap, as a way to calm me down.
"Do you want me to drop you off, son?" My dad asked Jack.
"Would it be ok if I cane home with you guys? I want to make sure she's ok." Jack asked.
"You are welcome to come back, I probably should end my break here anyways.
"I thought you said you had the whole day off?" I said sitting up and leaning into Jack.
"Well, I really only got a break, sorry sweetie.." Dad sighed.
I looked at Jack.
"Well if that's the case she's welcome to come hang out with me at my house that I share eith the boys?" Jack offered.
"Ok, that's fine," my dad smiled, "Just need the address."
Jack gave him the address and he drove us there.

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