Can you feel the chemistry?

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They were all sat around the table. Mr. Birling's obnoxiously loud voice filled the room.
" I'm so glad I'm finally meeting you, Gerlad! Sheila's had a lot to say about you. "
Gerlad, a man normally so confident, laughed nervously.
"All good I hope"
"Gerald darling, what bad could I possibly be saying about you?"
Shelia said, putting her arm on her fiancée's shoulder. Gerald however was distracted, he was watching the youngest Birling out of the corner of his eye while he poured himself yet another glass of whisky . Halfway through pouring his glass, Ada, the family's assistant came in with dinner, and the family became preoccupied with eating their steaks, though Mr Birling still found time to talk politics, halfway through a speech about capitalism he was only half listening to, Gerald noticed Eric disappear into the kitchen. Without thinking, Gerald too excused himself  and went to find his fiancées younger brother.
Eric was sat on the kitchen counter, his old bartered Levi jeans pulled up to his chin, he lept down at the sight of Sheila's Gerald and hugged his beer to his chest.
"Sorry if I frightened you" Gerald chuckled, and then more seriously, "I know it's none of my business but how much have you drunk?"
Eric, as usual, when questioned about his drinking jumped on the Defense,
"Not much, well practically none really"
The thing was, people noticed he drunk, probably too much but nobody ever cared enough to do anything about it so he wasn't ready to admit he may have a problem. Gerald shot him a knowing glance, and carefully reached over and poured the remainder of Eric's beer down the sink, fixing him a glass of water instead. Eric watched in shock knowing he should be mad, but all he could think about was the way Gerald's hand brushed his as he took the glass.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2018 ⏰

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