yunjae Just ordinary Boy (Completed)

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Just ordinary Boy (Completed)

by xxryexx


Hello there!!! Im new here please don't be harsh at me. well Im warning you guys this is totally crack 'grammar' story since English is, let can say my third let just say that I'm in process of learning something here ok. This is actually my first story that I do in my first language 4 years ago but then I decide to redo and translate it back in English, why? Because I want to improve my English and I think this is the best way to improve it by challenge my self with something that I've never done before (I'm really-really suck in English!). By the way this story is YAOI- I just learned to love YUNJAE recently after reads and watching about them. So for the anti YAOI..please back off....see the menu-main index buttons below there? Just press it ok..and get out with war...:p

Main pairs: YUNJAE with the others DBSK

Rating : hm..dont know yet may be pg 13 or more...

Length story: I already done until 24....

WARNING: Bad grammar ( I told you guys already my English's suck!) just prepare ok.


Jaejoong's comeback to his hometown after believes that he's ready to facing with his past. He want to live like normal life but unfortunately his past still haunting him, make him scared and hide his self from the world. He tries to life like ordinary boy that same ages as him with help from his brother Chang Min and his cousin Junsu. However everything is change after stupid mistake that Chang min do that exposed him to the world when he register his hyung to enter stupid contest without Jaejoong know.

In other hands Jung Yunho the council student leader felt something interesting about Jaejoong from the first time he saw him. His curiosity leads to their friendship that he cherishes a most. He felt lucky to have Jaejoong as a best friend. His life turn up side down when he felled in love with the person in the picture that he saw from the stupid contest that their council held for that month without knowing if the person's really exists or not .......................

Chapter 1

Come back Home

Beautiful young man stand in front of arrival gates while holding his bag and his luggage. He looks everything around him and smile.

Jaejoong pv

Finally after 7 years I come back to my hometown, I miss everything in here. Could I be able to be accepts here? I hope everything will be changes.

"Ah, finally home!" I'm very glad to come back home. I check my cloth and my glasses I make sure everything is perfect before I grab my luggage and walk to the exit door. I can see the smiling face that I miss for a long times stand in front of me.

"Umma!" I yelled when I recognize a beautiful women that stand a millimeters away from me. She stood there speechless and I can see her tears falling through her eyes. Umma run towards me and hug me tightly.

"It's been a long times my son. I miss you a lot. You're grown up now. How's you uncle?" I hugged her back and give a peck to her cheek and wipe his tears. I really miss her.

"I miss you too umma. You look more beautiful. Uncle is fine. He sends his regards to you. Where are Uncle and my little donsaeng?" I try to look around me but I can't spot any face that I know.

"Your uncle is at US now. He has business to do there. He will be back next month. And about your donsaeng......."Umma chuckle and give a sign to look at my back. I finally saw a tall boy with his food in his right hand. Definitely tall than me and yah...that's food..This must be him!

Bạn đã đọc hết các phần đã được đăng tải.

⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Jul 30, 2010 ⏰

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