Aokigahara - Sea of Trees

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    It was silent and dark even though there was a full moon. A college student walked into the forest not caring to keep track of direction or time. It would be irrelevant as they would end soon. They felt that they had walked for long enough and decided to go off trail, leaving a string of ribbon from the main path just in case they changed their mind. They stopped when their ribbon ran out looking back at where they had come for not seeing the other end of the ribbon. The student took their backpack off and looked into see the sleeping bag, bottle of water, a few protein bars, paper, pen, flashlight, and the length of rope being the only things they had brought. They laid the sleeping bag down putting the backpack on it excluding the flashlight and the rope. The rope got tied to a nearby tree and thrown over a thick, strong branch. They stepped away from the tree and sat down on the sleeping bag looking at the noose swinging in the slight breeze. Thoughts raced through their head as they laid down, fell asleep, and debated for or against their next action. The next morning they woke up and felt nothing. They grabbed the pen and paper writing down everything, their troubles that lead to this, their apologies to everyone, and their goodbyes. A few weeks later a tourist found them with the note on the forest floor below their feet.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2018 ⏰

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