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"P-Paul.." I felt weak. I felt like I was going to throw up.
I tighten my grip around Jack's arm.
"Leave." Jack said sternly.
Paul chuckled, "So you are the guy that she is inlove with? You! Woow."
I tried to move forward but Jack kept me behin him, "You don't have to do any harm. Just leave her alone."
"She had one simple task. ONE! And she can't even do that." Paul started to walk around, "That's right. I know you told him. I hacked your phone. You had one simple task."
He reached into his pocket and Jack backed me up and whispered, "call the police."
"Jack, they didn't help last time." I whispered back.
"Then call your friends, your dad, anyone." He whispered.
I slowly pulled out my phone behind Jack as Paul monologued a stupid villian speech.
I texted Shawn, Mandy, and my dad. I told them not to come unless things got more serious.
"And now," Paul pulled out a gun, "I have to hurt him, because of you sweetie."
I pulled Jack back, "No!"
Paul smirked.
I pulled Jack behind me, "If you hurt him you have to hurt me."
"Amora what are you doing?" Jack confusingly tried to pull me back but I stood my ground.
"Paul, Leave him alone." I said.
"It was simple! So simple! I was going to have you break up with him and then he'd be out of any harm. And then you could be mine again and we'd runa away!" Paul rambled.
"I'll never go anywhere with you." I wrapped my hand in with Jack's who was still behind me knowing I wasn't going to let him infront, "Just leave, and leave us alone! I will never be with you! Ever!" I yelled.
Paul snapped and he was joined with two other guys.
Jack once again got defensive and cam to my side and was able to pull me back, "If it's me you want, take me. But leave her alone."
"No! Jack you aren't going anywhere!" I said holding his hands tightly.
The two guys came up to us and tore us apart. I struggled to get back to Jack and Paul walked up to me.
"Aww, why are you struggling? You know that has never worked." Paul joked. How could he joked about that.
I could feel Jack's anger get bigger and bigger.
"And struggling won't work once I have you back either."
"You leave her alone!" Jack started to try and get away from the mans grasp. He kicked him in the groin and the guy let go of Jack he raced to Paul and pushed him down. The man that held onto me threw me to the ground, I blacked out.

I was scared.
I couldn't move.
I couldn't see.
But then, I felt all my muscles come back. But everything was still pitch black.
"You bastard are in the way!" I heard Paul yell and Jack whine as something hit him.
"Stop!" I screamed not even knowing what was going on. Something was around my eyes so I couldn't see. I struggled to move but I was pinned down.
"Aah, love! You are awake!" The cloth over my eyes was ripped off and I saw Paul smiling. I was tied to one of the boys chairs.
I saw Jack weak on his knees on the ground, holding his stomach.
"Leave him alone..." I cried, "please.."
"Begging?" Paul started to laugh and he pushed me cheeks together to make my lips puff out, "Say it again."
"Please..leave him alone." I started to cry.
"Again!" Paul yelled in my face and one of the guys kicked Jack and he fell to his side.
"Please!" I started sobbing and screaming, "Please! Stop hurting him!"
Paul looked at the men and he let go of my face, "You heard her."
The men picked him up by his arms and dragged him to the couch. Jack was unconscious. Paul looked back at me and wiped tears off my face.
"You do love him." Paul said.
"Yes.." I looked down and cried , "Why? Why are you doing this?"
"Because I want you." Paul lifted my face back up, "I need you. I thought you had learned your lesson since your dad, but..once again I had to teach you. Maybe I need to not just hurt Jack, but you too?"
I stayed silent. I didn't care what happened to me anymore. I only cared about Jack, "Please...let him go."
"Why should I?" Paul asked.
"I-I'll do anything." I said.
Paul smirked, "Now that's the attitude I want to see!"
He untied me and I immediately tried to run to Jack but he stopped me.
"Ah ah ah, wait." Paul said. He turned my face to him and leaned to kiss me. I tried to pull away but he kept me in place.
I hated him.
He let me go after he kissed me and I ran to Jack. I got to my knees next to Jack on the couch and moved hair out of his face. I looked at his chest and saw red marks and bruises and cuts.
I covered my mouth in horror and felt tears streaming down my face.
"Jack.." I held my hand to his cheek and put my head to his chest, "Jack..please wake up..I need you."
I held his hand and I felt a squeeze. I flinched but tried to show no emotion. He was signaling me. I looked at his boxers and a saw a slight bit of light from his phone. I looked closer and saw he was on a call. I felt so happy but I had to act sad.
Paul pulled me away form Jack quickly and yanked me out of the way.
I let out a yelp in pain and saw Jack open his eyes.
Paul pulled me off the ground, "where is the bedroom." He asked me seriously and dead in my eyes.
"No I can't--"
He pulled out the gun and pointed it at Jack, "Where is it?!"
"U-upstairs." I was horrified.
He out the gun down and dragged me upstairs. I was screaming and crying and I saw Jack get up as quickly as he could and tried to get to me. Our hands almost touched before he was pulled away, violently and beat.

And just like that. My nightmares were real again. I screamed in pain and noone heard. I knew Jack was being hurt and I could do nothing.

I relived one of the worst nightmares of my life. I was raped.

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