Chapter 1

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I woke up to the annoying sound of my alarm clock I turned i off and checked the time on my phone. It said 5:30 am. Yes on tme especially that I am starting London Senior High School. I took a quick shower and got dressed in a white v- neck with a black lather jacket and black skinny jeans.I curled my hair in huge curls leaving it loose so it runs down my back. I am not huge on makeup but I put on my mascara and some clear lip gloss. I then put on my white converse grab my bookbag and grab my keys to my motorcycle. What you thought I had a car yea right. I walked in the garage and saw my big brother Josh.

"Hey Josh whats up?" i said getting my helmet.

"My car is acting stupid can i ride with you today dad's taking it ti the shop" he said. I agreed n gave him a helmet. He puts it on and holds me tightl as we start to leave.We got there in about15 minutes so that was good. I slowly pulled up through the gates of the school and everyones eyes were on me and my brother. Not that I think is bad but still stare at someone else geeze.I turned off the bike and waited until he got off so I can get off.All my hair was inside my helmet I actually looked like a guy for a second.Then I saw a teacher or something walking near us. I didnt take off my helmet but  did pull up the fron part so they could see my eyes at least.

"Hello you must be Alexis and Josh Caniff" the teacher said

"Yes that would be us" I said smiling.I looked at the teacher she looked like she was in her mid 30's.

"well here are your schedules and hope you have a very good day." She said smiling

"Thanks" I said I said walking remembering I still had my helmet but before ayone can see my face i pushed the front part down so they didnt see me.Tey said we were allowed to carry our bookbags soi really dont need a locker but just incase lets out atleast something in there so i out my Drawing book ormy sketch pad and some pencils i kept everything else. I closed my lockr and remembered i had my helmet still so i take it off ad everyone around gasped.

"What havent you seen a girl before?" i said loudly.


Then somone said something.

"Well we have as you can see but not a girl like you" someone sai but i didnt know where the voce was coming from. so I just shrugged it off and walked to my class with my helmet in one hand and carrying my bookbag aswell.


Well how do you think her first day is going to turn out..Please comment and vote please i know this isnt great bu it will later on bye lovely readers

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