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Amora's P.O.V.
It was a week since the event. I brought Jack presents everyday after work, I texted him every break I got. And made sure he was feeling so much love everytime I got into the room.
"Princess, you don't need to give me all these presents." Jack laughed.
"I know but you are getting out today!!" I jumped up and down. He was injured in the leg and torso but they were able to fix it, "I'm so excited!"
I was having a cow happily and Jack was silently laughing at me.
I was so excited when I walked out of that hospital, hand and hand with Jack and--
"Paparazzi." Jack looked out the window, "Here."
He gave me glasses and I put them on.
"Just so that you have a little privacy.
I put my hair down and covered my face as much as I could. As we got out of the hospital there were flashing lights and people screaming and taking pictures.
Jack waved, answered a few non-related questions and took a few pictures. We got to my car and drove to the boys house.
"I'm sorry about the public eye." Jack said.
"I love you. For you. Not for a famous boy." I said, "I will be with you no matter what."
Jack smiled and hugged me over the seat.
We arrived to the house and the boys ran out, "they are already back?"
Jack nodded.
I got out and Jack got out, they hugged me gently and then probably broke Jack's ribs.
"Guys, I just got out of the hospital." Jack laughed.
"WE GOT YOU PRESENTS!" Zach screeched.
"That's so sweet!" I smiled.
"Guys, she already got me like 50 gifts I dunno if I cant handle anymore."Jack nervously smiled.
"WELL TO BAD WE SET UP A WHOLE THING!" Daniel said over average talking range. (wtf was that sentence idk)
We all went inside and it was almost like a party. Eben, August, and Tyler were there.
"Welcome back little dude!" They said.
Jack hugged them and stared at the cake, "Is that for me?"
"No stupid it's Bam Bam's birthday," Zach said and everyone went silent, "Yes of course it's for you!"
We all took slices and sat down eating.
Jack laid his head on my shoulder as he ate his cake.
"So, Corbyn, Jonah and I are going snowboarding," Daniel smiled.
"Yo cool, that's dope." Eben said with a face full of cake.
"We are also gonna go to the beach, do you guys wanna come?" Zach asked.
I looked down at my half eaten cake.
"I'll stay here with Amora." Jack said, I looked at him and he could tell I was uncomfortable.
"Alrighty, that's fine." Daniel winked.
"OH! OOOH!" Jonah caught up on what Daniel was thinking, "Wait...have you guys already."
"Woah woah woah woah woah." Jack started to sit up.
I covered my face trying not to laugh.
"Mom?" I asked confused.
"Dad?" Jack blinked constantly confused.
"Yeah." Zach grinned, "Will I have a sister or brother??"
"OK OK THAT'S ENOUGH!" Daniel started to push him into a different room.
Jonah, Corbyn, Eben, August, and Tyler followed.
I laid onto Jack's lap and closed my eyes. He played with my hair.
"So what do you want to do while they are gone?" Jack asked.
"Can we watch a bunch of movies and cuddle?" I asked.
"Yes! That sounds fun." Jack kissed my cheek and then my lips.

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