The fish scenario

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"Its my fish.... I told you to feed it, you didn't... so no, i don't know where we stand right now"

Kenta crossed his arms over his chest as he was glaring at donghan who had the nerve to forget to feed mr glubs, his favorite fish. If looks could kill, kim donghan would be dead right now.

"Kenta your so overdramatic, it's a fish, it's not like he's going to die"  kenta gasped 'That's not the point you absolute heathen, the point is, i trusted you with my fish and your dumbass didn't feed him and that is unforgivable"

"Kenta you fucking drama queen, it's a fish, a measly fish that I could feed to tolbei at any point in time and you probably wouldn't even notice" Kenta gasped "you know fine well longguo would not allow such monstrosity such as murder" now it was donghans turn to be absolute shaken. This was getting out of hand, over a dumb fish.

"Are you sure we're both talking about the same longguo? The same longguo that threatened to throw hyunbin out the window and the same longguo who almost stabbed Sanggyun with a kitchen knife for taking his waffle, and the same exact longguo who threw a brick at your head last week, because you insulted Lucy. when donghan was done speaking, Kenta looked horrified, clearly he had no remembrance of those events ever taking place. "Longguo has done no such thing" Kenta retorted, sticking his nose up like the prude bitch he was.

"ALRIGHT TAEHYUN, YOU MAY BE OLDER THAN ME, BUT I WILL NOT HESITATE TO THRUST THIS STICK THROUGH YOUR HEAD YOU FUCKING SHORT ASS BITCH" Kenta whipped around just as no other then roh taehyun came running through Kentas bedroom door. "He's gone crazy, he's going to kill me" taehyun looked distraught as he kept looking around the room. "All I did was wake him up, I thought we had a schedule today" longguo burst through the door and I promise you taehyun was already halfway down the street when the other male got to the window.

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