"Why don't you wear the high heels like the rest of my girls do?" Mr Black asked. Kate carried on zipping up her flat boots and secured her holster to her side.
"I'm not here for decoration B, you know I like to just get my job done" She stepped across the room and opened a slick looking briefcase. "So, this is my target?" She asked flicking through photos of a balding man. She sealed the case again and pulled her jet black hair into a tight pony tail. "Later B" she called out whilst walking away with swaying hips. Behind her Mr Black leaned forward watching her leave with a tight sly smile over his lips.
Waiting around wasn't something Kate liked. She hated feeling out in the open, exposed like she would be the target and any second someone would pounce. Sat in the back of the targets car she had her wire ready in her hands. She finally heard footsteps out in the dark lot. She scooped down behind the drive seat and waited. The door finally clicked and the lock dropped down. This was the bit she loved. The pounce.
The man was heavy. The car dipped as he slipped into his car. He shut the door and let out a long sigh. Kate moved slowly up wards. Before he had a chance to blink the wire was tight around his neck. Kate pulled back tightly. He began to gasp out. "Please" He managed to speak. Kicking out his legs against the floor. Kate pulled tighter. His large body finally slumped backwards. She felt her gloved hands against his neck, feeling no pulse, she tidied away her wire back into her pocket and fled from the lot under the cover of darkness.
Kate lay under a deep spell of sleep. The loud banging on her door didn't even phase her untill it burst open. She sprung to a sitting poison with one eye open and a Revolver tucked in her hand. "What" She growled as Mr Black shut the door behind him. She clipped the safety on the gun and tucked it back under her pillow. Laying back into her welcoming bed she closed her eyes again.
"We've been compromised." His stern voice growled. "And I'm afraid my little flower, that I have to let you go".
Kate sprung up and starred down the dark barrel of a gun. Mr Black was starring at her, whilst her eyes were set on the gun inches from her head. "Gotta do what you gotta do in this business"