patient B12

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//Chapter One//

I faintly remeber what it was like to be free. To be able to have normal friends, to go to school,or to have a name. They used to call me Paige in my old life. But here, they call me B12...

i walked quietly to the cold stairwell to my new room, with a nurse behind me making sure i wouldn't run off. As i walked up, I passed a small window, i felt the cool draft on my skin. i wrapped my arms around my waist and walked faster up to floor B where my new room was.

When i got to my room my nurse, Lori, gave me 3 pills in a small paper cup.

"Take these and lie down." she said, as she passed me another cup with water inside it.

"Thanks.." i mumbled, taking the cups and walking towards the small white table beside my bed. I slipped the smooth pills into my mouth and took a quick drink of the warm water. I walked back over to Lori and opend my mouth to confirm that I didn't just hide the pills under my tongue.

"Goodnight Paige." she said with slight wave as she slipped out the door, locking it on the way.

Lori's one of the only people here who still call me Paige. I like it. It reminds me of who I still am.

I could feel the effects of the pills working their ways into my system, making me feel a bit weird.

'This is normal', i tell myself. 'the pills make you tired, thats what they do." i reminded myself as I slowly started to slip into a deep sleep. But thats when i hear a slow tapping sound coming from the wall next to the bed.

I slowly sit up and rub my eyes, trying to stay awake.

"Hello?" i whisper, my voice coming out alot quiter than I had expected. I sit waiting for a reply, but nothing answers. 'alright Paige, the pills are getting to you.' i say outloud to myself, laying back down, and then I heard it. "Hey you, Paige? Its not the pills, it's me." I sat up, alerted now. 'someone just talked to me' i thought.

I cleared my voice before speaking, wanting to sounds alive. "Who is this?" i asked, still sounding more like a shy whisper, while i waited for a reply I looked around the walls, my eyes landed on a small whole behind my desk that i didn't realize before.

I slowly got up and started walking towards the desk, my bare feet patting against the cold tile floor. I had now reached the wall and bent down to look through.

"My names Ed!" the person said a bit to loud for my liking.

"My god, you scared me!" "Quiet down or we'll be moved." I loudly demanded.

"Sorry, i'm just a bit curious, who the new patient is." Ed said with a small laugh at the end of his sentance.

"oh, well my names paige. I got moved from floor A." I said with a bit of worry. People only get moved up if they get worse.

"well welcome to floor B." Ed replied. "They call me B13 up here and since your the first person i've liked talking to, you can be my sidekick, B12 and B13, i like it." Ed finished saying.

"Goodnight B13." i said walking back to my bed with a smirk on my face before hearing. "night B12" and passing out.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2014 ⏰

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