Zoella One Shot

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Zoe turns up at her mother's house.

"Mama - I need Aspen for a video, Dominic - I mean Gleam demands it!" Zoe demanded with a petulant frown.

Zoe had always got what she wanted  - books, beauty products, Alfie and a child. However now she had one she didn't want anything to do with it except make money so she passed Aspen over to her mother to look after.

"The baby is asleep and will be for a couple more hours, Zoe you know this! " her mum said quietly. "Anyway, why dont you film with Nala today?" She asked as an afterthought.
"But Mamaaaa, Nala is 12 years old now, has arthritis and snores to breathe and just doesn't look cute on camera anymore - I mean she doesn't pull views or money now she's old and grey, anyway just give me the baby!" Zoe whined and demanded even further.

"No! You only have the baby when it suits you and your pay packet from Gleam and anyway you're being replaced by that Connie! " her mom replied angrily.

"I am NOT!" Zoe shouted, stamping her foot and waking the baby.
Her mom gave her a look.
"FINE!" Zoe stormed out of the house - never to see her mom, dog or baby again.

A few months later, Zoe was at a rehearsal for YouTube Rewind All Star Edition when she was hit by a collapsing beam and fell into a 6 month coma and by the time she had woken up, Alfie had left YouTube behind as views were next to nothing and decided to live a life of obscurity.

In her absence Gleam had gotten rid of Zoe on health grounds and were ecstatic about it and as usual her mother was right as Connie replaced her and her mom had full legal custody of Aspen and found out that Aspen wasnt Alfie's.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2018 ⏰

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