Part 1, 12 Hour Party People

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I look at myself in the mirror. I am in a state of shock. My heart feels as if it were a plate which had been smashed. My hands were shaking, the terrifying events which had just taken place were replaying in my head. Yet again, my boyfriend, a 6ft bully who goes by the name of Justin, has broken my heart.

Or should I say, my ex - boyfriend. There is no way I shall forgive him. He has done this before. Bullied me. But I always forgave him, because I was in love. Head over heels in fact. And love really blurs your judgement sometimes. What a fool I have been. Thinking about the past few months I have spent with him, I can only recall pain and sorrow. I look at my neck which he had managed to scratch, when he grabbed me by my neck.

I look around at my mirror, which he'd shattered, at the bed which had the crop top I had been wearing sprawled on top of my pillow. I look at the charger he had whipped me round my head with. I feel light headed.

I stay their, recalling, observing and crying until I see it's dark outside. My phone rings. I am now on the floor, and I have made the carpet wet with tears. I have just enough energy to pick it up. It's my bestfriend, Marilyn. I hear her repeating "Cecily are you their" and "babes what is going on" but I am crying too hard now to even say "I'm fine."

She knows why I am crying. I, Cecily Stevens, have never been in a non - abusive relationship. It's embarrassing. Only she knows. She has been my rock through all of my abusive relationships. She has been the first one to help, make sure I was ok. She is a true friend. I am not suprised, when I hear the doorbell ring, then again, then consistently. Then I hear her voice banging on my door and shouting for me. I need to let her in. I need help.

I attempt at standing up multiple times, but I collapse each time. Then I hear her kicking the front door hard, screaming my name now. I grab onto the top of a stool, and manage to haul myself up. I stumble across the landing, and I have to clutch my head because it literally feels like it might drop off. I fall down the last five stairs, and start crying even more. I manage to grab hold oh the front door knob, and it honetly takes up all my strength to pull it open. When it does open, I fall into her arms. I hear the flashing of cameras, and when I look up I get a glimpse of paparazzi all taking shots of me, before Marilyn hastily shuts the door. She is used to seeing me all battered and bruised up.

Every othef time this happened with my other ex - boyfriends, she has been a nurse and a best friend. I honestly don't know what I would do without her. She always tells me to take a break from being in a relationship. To have a go at being a single lady. But with me, I feel like I want to feel loved by a man all the time. I feel like I am nothing without a man. I would never and have never cheated though.

I have instagram and twitter, and twitter I have 98.5m followers. Instagram, I have 99.9m followers. I am an actor and a singer. I have 4 albums, and have been on a long list of movies and t.v shows, from the age of 5. But there are more then hundreds of pictures of me all bruised on the internet. There are rumours about me being in abusive relationships, me being a prostitute, stupid things. The press are literally always outside my house waiting to capture a photo of me. But I am not ready to come out to the world that I am a victim of domestic abuse. It's not exactly something you want to boast about.

I am now laying on the sofa. I can hear water filling the bath upstairs. I hear Marilyn in the kitchen making us both coffee. She comes in and places it on the coffee table beside me. Her eyes looked all puffed. She cried last time too. We drink in silence, me barely being able to sit up. Then finally, she breaks the ice. "Cecily. I love you so much. Cecily, you deserve more then this. If you really want to be in a relationship all the time, you have to have some self respect. You have to not let people walk over you. Love yourself before anyone. Your beautiful, you can do so much better my love" she says to me. I think about this.

She's right. She is so right. I am a respectable woman. I am beautiful. I am trustworthy. I deserve to be loved if I want. I shall not let this happen again.

I think she senses my thoughts, because she says "Ceci, how about like, if we can get you cleaned up, we get away from him and never come back. You can afford another house. You can come to a party with me tonight, my friends hosting" she says all at once. "What, like ditch Justin?" I smirk. "How about it?" she says, giving me an evil grin which makes me laugh.

She carries me up and undresses me, like she is my mum. She washes my hair and scrubs my body. She then blow dries my hair and straightens it, with a middle parting. My hair is brown and thick, and it's very long and somewhere between curly and wavy. She is such a makeup artist, she covers my scars easily, before applying makeup to my face. Then she leaves me in the bathroom. I feel like telling my mum and dad, who live in America, but I don't want to burden them with my bad life. So I don't. I also have one little brother and my big sister living with them in America. My dog and cat live here with me and my ex.

Suddenly, Marilyn emerges with a suitcase, and informs me that it's packed with my clothes, makeup, my shoes, charger, and other things. She also has a really sexy outfit picked for me. The top is all mesh, so I wear my black bralet underneath, with a black leather mini skirt. She puts some hoop earrings on my ears, and she stuffs my feet in some black high heeled boots. I am around 5"6 so I am not short but not that tall. She herself looks stunning in a white mini dress and and white high heel boots. She has curled her short blonde hair and looks so cute.

We head out arm in arm, her dragging my suitcase behind her. We go to her house which is five minutes away, and dump my suitcase their. She said I could stay until I find a new house. In the taxi on the way to the party, I text dump Justin. He replies with 'Yeah...I cheated on you about 10 times anyways.' My tears begin welling up in my eyes again, but I quickly wipe them away. When we are at the entance of the party, which is being held in a pub, I start feeling nervous. Marilyn sprays perfume on me then her, winks at me and says "go get em boys" which makes me laugh.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2018 ⏰

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