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Jay's P.O.V

"Mom your wedding is in five mins.!"I yell through the door as i pound on it.Two seconds later my mom walks out of the dressing room looking stunning " Hunny I am ready to go. Go get your grandpa"she said with the biggest smile on her face."OK"

i run to go find my grandpa by the bathrooms watching every girl that he didn't know walk out shaking there butts "hey grandpa it is time for the wedding to start" I said laughing a little. He looked at me and smiled I linked onto his arm and walked him to see my mom "hey dad you ready?" mom asked "

"well the question is are you ready Jessie"gramps asked " lets go guys the music is playing see you as a married women mom when you are down." I say we all laugh a little I walk out and sit on the bench and watch  my mom and gramps walk our way arm in arm.

Skip the wedding

When we get to the after party I sit at the big table with my mom, Jason and me. I have not met my stepbrother yet he was supposed to be here. "Hey mom were is jake" I yell over the music " he texted jason a minute ago" she yelled back "what did he say mom" I yell

" well I think that he is in the parking lot"she yelled I got up from the table and walked to the door. When I got out side it was raining it was nice and quiet and the only sound you could hear was the rain hitting the ground hard an fast. I sit down on the ground next to however was sitting there. I started to cry.

"Hey daddy where are we going" I asked "I can't tell you jay it is a secret sweetheart" my dad said. Next thing I know was hitting my head on the front seat and going black when I wake up in the hospital 7 day later I had a cast on my arm and my leg and had stitches in my head I was 10 I couldn't remember anything really I know my moms name and my dogs name I know how to talk and read I didn't know if I could write cause the caste.  Will I was crying I seen my dad die in the car I seen the car flipping over and over again soon to stop up side down. He was bleeding a lot "get out of the car sweetheart" he said I did what he said "I will always be with you even if you can't see me or hear me I love you jay so so very much." he said then closed his eyes "I love you to daddy I always will" I said and it all went black.

I came out of my dream and realized that I need to stand up and walk around no one was sitting next to me at all. I started to walk and look around seeing how beautiful everything was it was dark but it still it is.

Will I was walking I seen a bright red car it was beautiful I loved it I went to touch it but my hand got stopped by something I did know how or what but he said with his deep voice "don't touch it please." so I did I keep on walking so that I felt something around my waist "hey baby what are you doing here"he said will spinning me around "stop it your making me dizzy" I yelled when he stopped I looked at him he did not look like my bae i didn't even know him. I ran away and went inside and found my mom "hey mom I am going home" I yelled over the music "ok hunny we will be home in about 3 hours love you and,.go to the knew house, please." she yelled back, as I walk out the door I go up to the fifth floor to get my pink no roof car when I get in I put up the roof and drive home in silence.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2018 ⏰

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