Chapter 1 : A typical day

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Summer Time

The morning sun rises and all the teens in Canada Montreal wake up as if their sleep was as perfect as it could be. But there's one exception: James Dausin. A young teen with no real goal or interest in life. He's not depressed, he's just a boring person. He hangs out with losers and is a loser himself. James never got a girlfriend  because of his gaming addiction and general nerviness. He was a lame nerd who would start shaking whenever a random girl would approach him at school. As if he never in countered one before. The only real interaction he had with a girl was with his mom. His friends weren't helping at all. They were as bad as him. Antisocial and rejected from society they formed a secret club called "Best Club". Every Friday they would meet up in Antonio's treehouse to talk about video games and nerdy stuff. Antonio is James best friend. They have been together for their hole lives. James and Anto "short for Antonio" did everything together until high school came around and another loser joined the club. Steven Leef was the third loser of "Best Club" and the dream team was complete.

After a horrible night rambled with nightmares, I get out of bed and lift up my blinds. The sun shines in my face as the time flies bye. I check my star wars electronic clock to see if I'm not late.

'Shit im late for school!'
I head down the stares still in my pyjamas and a grab a banana for breakfast. The banana won't be enough so I pack cereals and snacks in my bag before putting some clothes on. As I open the door my mom comes down the stares and stares at me
'James when will you stop missing your alarm clock?' She had just woke up herself so I felt as if she didn't really know what to say to me.
'Yeah yeah don't worry Mum. I'll see you tonight!' Fuck I forgot to brush my teeth...
'Ok love you hun.'

I head towards to school running truing to get there before the class starts. My house was only 10 minutes from the school but my skinny body didn't allow me to run properly. It took me 20 minutes to get to school. I arrive at the entrance and spot Lucie McGee and her gang smoking on the side of the school. They seem to be gossiping about something. The entrance was close from the side of the building and no other door was open then the main one. Fuck I have to walk in front of theme. I walk as fast ad I can trying to hide my face with my blue backpack until one of Lucie's scum friends shouts at me.

'Hay loser! You got any jokes for me?'
'Hum no sorry I'm late for class'
'Wow you suck. Your hair looks disgusting!'
'Gee thanks'

I open the door and run through the hallway. I try to ignore the teachers yelling my name to stop running but I can't miss my science class. I'm close to the class but for some reason getting there takes way longer then I expected... Me, Anto and Steve are in science class together. I can't wait to tell them I walked in front of Lucie while ignoring her without having a mental breakdown and that I ran into the hallway while teachers were screaming my name. I finally get in front of the door to my science class. I open it and quickly get to my seat. My teacher "MrOrigan" ignores my disruptive entrance and continues the class. It was about atoms and how they functioned around in the atmosphere. Mr Origan likes me a lot because i'm one of his best students. I legitimately have better grades in science then my friends! Antonio sits at my right and Steve behind me. I'm on the first lane of desks so talking to my friends would be too obvious for Mr Origan and I would probably get in trouble. My friends look at me like I was a dead body. They always freak out when I arrive late to school or when I get late to class. The class is boring and I'm going to nail the exam anyway so I ignore the everything and start thinking about are Friday club reunion. I think this weeks theme will be "Are the End Bosses in every video game really evil?"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2018 ⏰

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