Operation: Red Angel

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A/N: This story is of Ada Wong before she became the Spy she is today. This is a completely different time, before Resident Evil 2. I don't own Ada Wong however I own the character Colin. I hope you enjoy this Resident Evil Fan-Fic. Comment Vote and Share.

Chapter 1 A Way in to Get Out

I fired my grapple gun to the roof ledge, I flipped and landed on my feet. "I guess it's time to play" I said in my earpiece to Colin. "Ha, Don't get ahead of yourself , Wong." I smirked at the remark. I found a hole in the roof, and jumped in. "Colin I'm inside, I'll try to find a place to let you in on the ground floor. I said looking around.

"Ok, well you better hurry,Wong I'm getting overwhelmed out here." He said as he fired his Beretta. I ran down a narrow corridor, hearing Colin mumble something. "Hold on, Colin I'm coming." I finally reached a door on the ground floor. I swung it open as Colin tumbled in, shooting a zombie right between the eyes. He got up and told me "You cuttin' kinda close aren't ya." He said as he barricaded the door. I smiled "At least I found a way for you." He just gave me a smile. "Come on,let's see if we can find some ammo, around this hellhole. I walked up the stairs.

"Ok so there's zombie creeps chasing us and we hide in an abandoned building." "HQ this is Angel, I've landed." "Roger, Angel is Demon with you?" I turned and looked at Colin looking out a window. "Yeah I had to save his ass. So are you gonna tell us the what we are doing here?" I loaded my gun waiting for a response. "Roger, Angel you objective is to retrieve the Data being kept in the Warehouse Mainframe." " We'll contact you as soon as you get there."

I looked out the window next to Colin, We saw a horde of undead trying to get in. "Okay so all we have to do is get to the Warehouse all the way across the town and reach their Mainframe." I nodded my head and walked up another flight of stairs. "Come on we can jump the rooftops for the most part. Colin gave me a smile.

"Then what are you waiting for?" He asked as he jumped across a gap to another rooftop. "Oh, I love this challenge." I smirked. Colin was ahead of me by a long shot. I jumped on broken ledge and began to fall. Before I landed in the horde and I fired my grapple gun across to the other side. Colin turned quickly "Shit Ada are you alright?" I called to him "I'm fine,I'll find another way to the Warehouse. I gave him a nod and thought to myself "Colin please be careful" With that I jumped down to an alleyway. "I'll make it,before you do." I said aloud cockily.

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