• pilot •

9 3 2

Queen : * screams *
Mom : gm sweetie , are you ok ?!
Queen : um ... yea just nightmare .
Mom : oh um ok ... we'll get ready for school .
Queen : ughh , ok mom .
Queen : * starts walking to bathroom *
Mom : don't get smart with me young lady .
Queen : * brushes teeth and washes face *
Queen : * thinks * what should I wear
Queen : Ouo ! maybe my pink shirt and this blue jeans

                             15 MINS LATER !

Mom : are you almost ready sweetie !
Queen : um yes !! but I need to eat .
Mom : no time for that !
Queen : ok I'm coming !
Queen : * goes downstairs *
Mom : omg queen the bus is here !
Queen : ok ok ! love ya mom bye , see ya .
Mom : o- * sighs * k bye .
Queen : * rubs on bus *
Queen : hey ruby , hey Emily .
Ruby : hey queen
Emily : hey Emily
Ruby & Emily : so .. you still like that boy .. * both laughs *
Queen : omg nooooo !
Ruby : oop sorry .
Emily : sorry
Emily : look guys I got a iPhone 8 + !!
Ruby & Queen : omg lit ! download Snapchat and instagram !
Emily : um .. my mom said I can't have social media ...
Ruby : come on em , just for us .
Queen : us ?! i mean ... yea .
Emily : oh um ok i guess .
Emily : * downloads snapchat *
Emily : Ouo there's a dating app under it * downloads *
Ruby : * whispers to queen * um .. dating app ?
Queen : * whispers back * idk just let her do what she's doing .
Ruby : oh um ok ..
Emily : there downloaded !
Ruby : let me make the account !
Ruby : * snatches Phone *
Emily : um ok ....

Emily : there downloaded !Ruby : let me make the account !Ruby : * snatches Phone *Emily : um ok

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Emily : so I guess we press sign ——-
Ruby : ik ik what to do .
Emily : gosh dang .
Queen : * sighs *

Ruby : * types in Emily for first name and bailey for last name *

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Ruby : * types in Emily for first name and bailey for last name *

Ruby : * types in Emily for first name and bailey for last name *

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Ruby : ok this looks good so far .
Emily & Queen : yup .
Ruby : now let's put your birthday .. when were you born ?
Emily : June 28 , 2004 .
Ruby : ok .

Ruby : ok your eligible to join

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Ruby : ok your eligible to join .
Emily : mm ok .
Ruby : now what username ?
Emily : um ? emilyjade628
Ruby : ok .

Ruby : now what username ?Emily : um ? emilyjade628Ruby : ok

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Ruby : is this good ?
Emily : yes ,, perfect .
Queen : * plays on iPhone 8 *
Ruby : what password ?
Emily : um , I'll handle that .
Ruby : mm ok .
Emily : rd .
Ruby : * gives phone *
Emily : * types password * emilyjade628

Ruby : * gives phone *Emily : * types password * emilyjade628

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Ruby : what's your password you choose ?
Emily : a password .. why ?
Ruby : oh . just asking .
Emily : mm ok 🤔🤔 .
Emily : * finishes rest of account *
Emily : * post first snap with Filter *
Ruby : ugh , this child .
Emily : stop hating .
Snapchat : * james williams added you by username *
Emily : hmm should I accept guys ?
Ruby & Queen : um .. do you know the person ?
Emily : n - no , but ——
Ruby : yea yea add them and let's troll them .
Queen : * sighs *
Emily : oh um ok

                     * every one gets off bus *

Ruby : bye see ya after school !
Emily : bye !
Queen : bye !

           • messages between her and james •

James : hey , how are you ?
Emily : great hbu ?
James : good ! i love your username and your pretty .
Emily : thanks .
James : you welcome . maybe we should meet up sometime .
Emily : oh um ok , maybe tomorrow .. my mom won't know .
James : good good .
Emily : yup .
James : let's meet up at the cafe ?
Emily : ok , what time ?
James : 6 pm ?
Emily : ok bye ttyl !
James : bye 😏 .
Emily : ☺️ .

                                • to be continued •

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2018 ⏰

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